
Ratifying the constitution

By teelka
  • Meeting of the Delegates

    Meeting of the Delegates
    Delegates from every colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia.
  • Period: to

    Steps to Ratification

  • Meeting adjourned

    Meeting adjourned
    Meeting adjourned with the second congressto be converned to may.
  • Second congress meets

    Second congress meets
    they met in philadelphia, by then the revolution had begun.
  • New hampshire adopts the constitution

    New hampshire adopts the constitution
    New hampshire adopted a constitution to replace its royal charter.
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    The second continental congress served as the first government for five fatal years, for the formal adaptation of the (DOI).
  • Articles of Confederation were approved

    Articles of Confederation were approved
    The articles of confederation were approved after the congress thought about it for 17 months
  • Delaware added approval

    Delaware added approval
    Eleven States agreed to the document within a year. Then delaware added its approval.
  • Revoultionary war ends

    Revoultionary war ends
    in oct the revolutionary war ended america's victory was confirmed by the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.