
Rangers Apprentice Timeline

  • The Ranger Corps is founded

    The Ranger Corps was founded during the rein of King Herbert also known as 'the Father of Modern Aaraluem'. He unified the 50 fiefs to defeat the northern clans. There is one ranger for every fief. The Rangers were formed to be an intelligence force in order to keep the kingdom informed. The Rangers also act as law enforcement.
  • Morgarath attacks Araluen

    Morgarath attacked Araluen during a time of confusion right after the king had died. The armies of Araluen and Morgarath's warguls were in a stalemate that resulted in a great loss in life, but the stalemate was broken when a Ranger led a calvary unit through a secret pass that let them flank Morgarath's army leading Araluen to victory. (This is also when Wills Father died.)
  • Choosing Day

    Will and his fellow wardmates ( Alyss, Jenny, Horace, and George) have each been choosen to work as an apprentice under a craftmaster. Will was choosen to become a ranger, Horace was sent to Battleschool, Alyss was chosen for diplomatic service, George became a scribemasters apprentice, and Jenny would be trained to become a master chef to work in the castle kitchen.
  • Will starts his training

    Will leaves his home at Castle Redmount to live with Halt in his cabin to begin his ranger training. The cabin is located beyond Redmount's village farmlands at the edge of the forest. Will is taught in the art of archery, stealth and selfdefense.The training also included tracking, navigation and horsemanship.
  • Harvest Day

    Will and his friends decide to spend some time together for the anual holiday known as Harvest Day. However, during the the hard months of training at Battleschool Horace had been the victim of bullying makeing his life miserable, so he took his anger out on Will causing them to get into a fight that was eventualy stopped by Sir Rodney the head of the Battleschool.
  • The Boar Hunt

    While Will and Halt are in the forest they come across boar tracks in the snow. They call for a hunting party and Horace is with them.The hunting party surrounds the boar and kill it with spears. As the knights examine their prize another boar appears and charges for Horace but Will shoots at it and distracts the boar saving Horace. The second boar chases Will until Halt shoots it in the heart with an arrow. This event seals Will and Horaces friendship makeing them forget about the fight.
  • Horace Gets Payback

    The people who had been bullying Horace felt that Will saving Horace made the Battleschool look weak, so they decided to teach him a lesson in the form of a beating. When Horace overheard them saying this, he decided to finally stand up to his oppressors. He defends Will and with Halts help he gets revenge on the people who put him through so much suffering during the past few months. The three bullies were then expelled from the school and banished from the fief.
  • The Gathering

    Halt and Will left to the Gathering (an event where all of the rangers and their apprentices meet together in the woods to see if the apprentices are skilled enought to continue their training.) During this period they meet up with Gilian, Halt's first apprentice. But plans change when they learn that Mogarath has sent the Kalkara (fearsome ape-like beasts that can paralyize it's victimes with the gaze of it's eye's) to assasinate military comanders. Halt, Gilian, and Will go to kill them.
  • The Kalkara are killed

    Eventualy the Kalkara are killed at the Ruins of Gorlan and Will and the others return home with a hero's welcome.
  • Will stays a Ranger

    After the Kalkara were defeated Will is summoned to the Great Hall where He is given the option to become a knight but he turns the offer down saying the he is a ranger.