Random European Events Timeline by Jackson Cheek

  • Jan 1, 1347

    Florentine Author Francesco Petrarca Publishes the Epistolae Metricae

    Florentine Author Francesco Petrarca Publishes the Epistolae Metricae
    Francesco Petrarca published his work in Florence, at the time around 1347, based on life in 14th Century Europe. But as a commentary/critique of how society was to be organized and the people changed.
  • Oct 1, 1347

    The Bubonic Plague

    The Bubonic Plague
    From much of 1347-48, Europe was rocked by the Bubonic Plague that had come from Eastern Europe and Asia. It killed 20 million and put a halt again to expansions, but did start raising ideas amongst people, with scholars writing more literature for change.
  • Jun 1, 1378

    The Ciompi Revolt in Florence

    The Ciompi Revolt in Florence
    In June of 1378 to 1382, the Ciompi or groups of artisans, laborers, craftsmen, would revolt against and Protest poor living conditions and abilities. It was a start of one of many people's plight for equality in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1415

    The Europeans go to Africa

    The Europeans go to Africa
    Dom Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu, better known as Prince Henry the Navigator, would lead a Portuguese assault of the Navy to a port in Morocco in 1415. He would conquer the port, and with it, started funding Europeans to begin exploring Africa, mostly Portuguese.
  • Jan 1, 1434

    The Medici Family Reign of Florence

    The Medici Family Reign of Florence
    From 1434 to 1737, while not the only important Florencia Family, they made humongous sums of Banking, creating a profitable and efficient banking system, and was a spearhead to patronage. It was said to be a oddly golden age of Florence in wealth and power.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Johannes Guttenberg Invents the Moveable Type Printing Press

    Johannes Guttenberg Invents the Moveable Type Printing Press
    From 1440 to 1450, Living in Strasbourg, France as a exile and later return to Mainz, Germany, Guttenberg invented a moveable printing press to print papers and written work for mass production. By 1450, he had fully invested the Press and soon the idea of Exporting it came up.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    France's government reorganized

    France's government reorganized
    In the year 1453, France pushed the British out of France, mainly to Calais, and Charles the VII reorganized the government, with new taxation and trade. The Army was also reorganized to be a permanent standing Army.
  • May 22, 1455

    The War of the Roses begins, The Yorks vs the Lancasters

    The War of the Roses begins, The Yorks vs the Lancasters
    In 1455, believing he was the true king of England, Richard of York would go to battle against King Henry the VI of Lancaster, and becoming Lord Protector by Parliament. The fighting would begin again later with Henry and more Monarchial crisis.
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Developing Spain

    Developing Spain
    The Marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella creates dynatic union but not a state. Securing borders, a ventured army, and a Christianized Spain.
  • Apr 14, 1471

    Battle of Barnet, England

    Battle of Barnet, England
    In 1471, Edward the IV defeated the Lancasters at the battle of Barnet, crushing them severely, and would begin talking back England. He would begin the restoration of domesticity in England, and his own rule.
  • Jun 1, 1477

    Louis the XI grows France

    Louis the XI grows France
    With the death of Charles the Bold, the Dynasty of the Burgundians was dying. Along with the fall of the House of Anjou, Louis the XI conquered Burgundy, and had direct control of Anjou, Bar, Maine and Provence.
  • Jan 1, 1485

    Humanism's effects on Florence

    Humanism's effects on Florence
    During the years of 1485-1504, artists such as Michaelangelo and Sandro Botticelli worked on arts emphasizing the Humanity of people, and also the nature in which people live in. Michaelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci also emphasized the idea of Studying Humans, including the human body and maybe even the mind.
  • Aug 22, 1485

    The End of the War of the Roses

    The End of the War of the Roses
    Henry the VII on August 22, 1485, would defeat Richard the III at Bosworth Field. Attempting to put an end to the war.
  • Oct 30, 1485

    Rise of the Tudor Dynasty

    Rise of the Tudor Dynasty
    Henry the VII would be coordinated, and he married Elizabeth of York. He would establish the House of Tudor, combining the Yorks and Lancasters, ending the War of the Roses, and starting establishing normality in England.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    The Europeans begin Exploring Africa

    The Europeans begin Exploring Africa
    Portuguese Prince, Henry, would send fleets of the growing Portuguese empire's navy to Africa to explore. It opened trade with the Africans and set colonies, the first in Africa, along with sending one of the first famous adventurers Via De Je Bartolorneu Dias, sailing around the Southern tip of Africa.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    The Europeans reach India

    The Europeans reach India
    In 1488, Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias would sail around the Southern tip of Africa, and Arrive to India. Being the first European to do so, and to expand Portuguese trade to a global level.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Finding the New World

    Finding the New World
    In 1492, Spanish Explorer Christopher Columbus, exploring for a trade route that was faster to India, Accidently went West and discovered the New World. He would take much resources, and despite the atrocities, he would go on open the flood gates to European exploration in Northern America, after the Spanish and Portuguese were in South America.
  • Jun 1, 1494

    French Invasion of Italy, Starting the End of the Italian Renissance

    French Invasion of Italy, Starting the End of the Italian Renissance
    In 1494-1495, The French would invade south into the Italian city-states, kicking off the start of invasions there once more since Rome. and starting the end of the Renaissance, making conditions in Italy worse.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Niccolo Machiavelli and "The Prince"

    Niccolo Machiavelli and "The Prince"
    From 1513-1532, to his dying breath, Machiavelli would work on his writing, "The Prince", which to him was an analysis or instruction of how to obtain and maintain political power, and protection of one's state. He discussed the role the people and the rightful ruler have, and how a state was to build itself up and keep itself powerful, something many would take note from.
  • Jan 1, 1516

    Thomas More Published Utopia

    Thomas More Published Utopia
    As a commentary on life of the time, and as a call for action to improve society, Thomas More wrote a novel on a world that is a Utopia, a world with no problems. He wrote it on the attitudes of the time, and to commentate on a world people want.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The 95 Thesis

    The 95 Thesis
    Martin Luther in Wittenberg, Germany, would plant a Document on the Power of Indulgences on the door of the Castle Church. Lighting flame of reformation demand of Protestantism, Religion, and causing various schisms, which further rocked Europe for centuries.
  • Sep 1, 1519

    Hitting South America

    Hitting South America
    The Explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1519, a Portuguese explorer, would venture with his fleet from Spain in September for the new continent. He would sail around South America and discover the Pacific ocean.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    The German Peasent's Revolt

    The German Peasent's Revolt
    From 1524-25, A wide spread peasant revolt would erupt across Central Europe. The revolt was based on religious and economic goals, with the Swabian League being formed by Princes, nobles, imperial cities and crushed the revolt.
  • May 6, 1527

    Holy Roman Emperor Charles the V Invades Italy and Sacks Rome

    Holy Roman Emperor Charles the V Invades Italy and Sacks Rome
    On the 6th of May, 1527, The Holy Roman Emporer invaded south like the French, and made it to Rome, sacking the city with his Habsburg army. Worsening more conditions in Italy and causing more division.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    The English Reformation

    The English Reformation
    in 1534, initially supporting the Pope against Luther, King Henry the VIII of England would want to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon, to marry Anne Boleyn. He would hold the Act of Supremacy, declaring himself head of the English Church, but did not make many changes, but did make the church Protestant.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    The Dutch and the French go to the New World

    The Dutch and the French go to the New World
    From 1534-1624, the Dutch and French would sail to the new continent in North America, and would settle colonies. By 1534, the French had already been to middle America, and the Spanish in the South. Plus the French were in Canada by then.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    The Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent
    Riding the trend of counter-revolution,the Council was under the Pope's leader ship, from 1545-1563. Trying to re instate the Church's place but also do reforms on corruption and education.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    The English Golden Age

    The English Golden Age
    With Elizabeth the I becoming Queen, she enacted much religious reform for the state having more control. But worked on Uniting England via religious unification.
  • Jul 1, 1559

    Humanism to Art

    Humanism to Art
    From 1559, men such as Pieter Brueghel worked on art styles based on Humanism, having life be presented in the art. This came in the form of drawing art on communities and people's lives, encouraging more a look into the average person's humanity.
  • Jan 1, 1569

    Poland-Lithuania is founded

    Poland-Lithuania is founded
    After the 1385 Grand Dutch, The Union of Lublin of 1569 established Poland-Lithuania, creating both nations. Poland Lithuania would be its own entity but would be under much effect by neighboring powers.
  • The English Come to the New World

    The English Come to the New World
    In 1607-1609 and on, the English would hold their first settlements in North America. They would have many failures, but the settlements began sending new items, like the French, Dutch, and Spanish, back to Europe for trade, with the Europeans doing the same.
  • The 30 Years War

    The 30 Years War
    From 1618 to 1648, the central European powers, and the Holy Roman Empire would wage war, beginning with the Catholic and Protestant states warring against one another, after 30 years, the war changed to that of political and geographic. The Habsburg Empire of the HRE would fight against the Anti-Habsburg factions of the French, Swedish, English, Dutch, vs Austria, Hungary, Spain, The Empire and the German states waring with each other based on loyalty.
  • The Treaty of Westphallia

    The Treaty of Westphallia
    On January 30th, 1648, The Dutch and Spanish would sign their own treaty, ending Spanish reign of the Netherlands, While the treaty of Westphallia ending the War between the Central European nations. Soon, The peace was created starting from 1644, in the protected and neutral Westphalian towns of Münster and Osnabrück, changing geopolitics of Europe, limiting Habsburg power, and ending what was the essentially the first full European war.
  • The Netherland's is Independent and Born Proper

    The Netherland's is Independent and Born Proper
    During the Franco-Dutch Alliance, with the Dutch conquests of Southern Netherlands, Wallon provinces and the French taking Flanders. The Spanish Empire, pushed out of the Netherlands, and fearing French risings, concluded a peace agreement in 1648, granting The Dutch independence.
  • The First Bill of Rights

    The First Bill of Rights
    In England, during the reign of Dutch King William of Orange in England, Parliament would hold during the coordination of the King for a set of monarchial rules to follow, limiting power. And it was done to start the world of Constitutionalism, giving rules, rights, and ideas for the society to follow, to be fair, but the monarchy and church still competited.
  • The Prussia Empire is Born

    The Prussia Empire is Born
    During the 1700s, the two more powerful German states of Brandenburg and Prussia would begin morphing together, on the 18th of January, 1701, Elector Frederick the III was crowned Frederick the I at Konigsberg, Prussia. A nation of militarism and statehood, it would begin a path of power and a quest for total German Unification.
  • The Russian Nation is Born

    The Russian Nation is Born
    Both in the Massive communities of Moscow and St,Petersburg, The Russian Senate would unite the government, and conferred title of Tzar to the first, Peter the I in November of 1721. With the Russians then building there infrastructure, canals, and beginning expansion into the Baltics.
  • King Louis the XVI call an Emergency

    King Louis the XVI call an Emergency
    French Kind Louis the XVI, sighting the ongoing economic and food crisis, called the Estates-General in May 5th of 1789 to handle the crisis. All it did was show how divided the three estates were, and how unfair the voting was.
  • The Third Estate Breaks off, The French Revolution Begins

    The Third Estate Breaks off, The French Revolution Begins
    On July 3rd, 1789, the 3rd Estate broke off the Assembly, and claimed to represent France. Joined by the "People", some nobles, clergy and military, the revolution to end the Monarchy of France began.
  • The French Revolution Violence Begins

    The French Revolution Violence Begins
    Fearing the Invasion of the Austro-Prussian coalition, the People of Paris rounded each other up, and stormed various armory's across Paris. On July 14th, 1789, they would storm the Fortress Bastille, gathering ammunition and rifles.
  • The First of Many Wars of Coalition Begin

    The First of Many Wars of Coalition Begin
    On the 20th of April, 1792, The French legislative assembly fearing foreign intervention to the revolution declared war on Austria. Austria would follow suit allying with Prussia, and leading to an invasion of France, later beaten back.
  • The French Republic Declared

    The French Republic Declared
    On Sept, 21nd, 1792, The government abolishes any monarchy, and declares France is now a Republic. A new flag of France is Declared and Democracy, mixed with Fear is declared,
  • War of the Second Coalition

    War of the Second Coalition
    From 1798 to 1802, France, allied with Spain, would fight the gigantic coalition once more, against Britain, Austria and Russia, and including the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Naples and various German monarchies. But in the end, the genius of French command, including Napoleon Bonaparte's skill full fight in the South of France and Italy, single handling Austria, won the day.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte's Coup De Tat

    Napoleon Bonaparte's Coup De Tat
    In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte, a fast-rising major General of the French military, allied with various politicians, managed a coup against the assembly of France. It resulted in a three-person Consulate, which would be ended by Napoleon, making himself a single consulate.
  • War of the Third Coalition

    War of the Third Coalition
    This would be declared Napoleon's masterpiece, an Emporer, leading his armies to crush the Austrian/Russian forces. Using decisive modern tactics, and from 1803-1806, he whipped out two of his gigantic adversaries for a time.
  • Napoleon, Emperor of the French

    Napoleon, Emperor of the French
    After much time and manipulation, Napoleon Bonaparte managed to Crown himself as Emporer in 1804. He would be a new Emporer, to rival the Habsburgs, and to assert His rising dominance.
  • War of the Fourth Coalition

    War of the Fourth Coalition
    With Prussia joining the Coalition, France pushed east, literally rolling over the Prussian armies, who were out of date by this time. Napoleon would conquer much of the German states, and shrunk down Prussia from 1806-1807.
  • The Peninsular War and the War of the Coalition

    The Peninsular War and the War of the Coalition
    In 1809, Britain and Austria would fight the distracted French in a war to try and regain the advantage. The French would be fought in a Gurreila War with the Spanish as they invaded South, with the French eventually winning, but being extremely weakened.
  • War of the Sixth Coalition

    War of the Sixth Coalition
    Known to the Germans as the War of Liberation, from 1813-14 A coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and a number of German States, would rally, taking advantage of the weakened state of Napoleon's army, and invade France. Despite Napoleon's tactics, his weakened army and people gave in, and the Coalition dethroned Napoleon and exiled him to the Island of Elba in the Meidterranean.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    After Napoleon's escape from the Elba in March of 1815, the Coalition would rally, and come back to kick Napoleon down for good. At the Belgian area of Waterloo, the British and Prussians sent his army, finally crushed, Running, and Exiled Napoleon again.