Ralph Lane

  • 1544


    Attended Oxford University
  • 1560

    English Parliament

    English Parliament
    In late 1550s and early 1560s Lane Served in the English Parliament.
  • 1563

    Serving Queen

    Serving Queen
    Serving in Queen Elizabeth |'s court.
  • 1569


    Lane was in a rebellion in Scotland.
  • 1571

    Seizing ships

    Seizing ships
    Queens commision caused lane to seize ships.
  • 1580

    Developing plans

    Developing plans
    Helped England when struggling with Spain by developing plans and ideas.
  • Ireland

    Received a commision to go to Ireland.
  • Command of Colony

    Command of Colony
    Given command of the colony that Sir Walter Raleigh was organizing.
  • Seven Ships

    Seven Ships
    600 men on 7 ships left England.
  • Outer Banks

    Outer Banks
    Ships reached outer banks.
  • Colony

    Colony was ashore and built.
  • Colonist came back home

    Colonist came back home
    "A fleet led by Sir Francis Drake left Roanoke carrying the first English colonists back home."
  • Report

    "He provided the foreword to Thomas Harriot’s Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia."
  • Report of account

    Report of account
    "His account of the colony appeared in Richard Hakluyt’s Principal Navigations...."
  • Ireland

    Served as a general and clerk in Ireland.
  • Death

    Died in October in Ireland and was buried on the 28th.