Rákóczi's War of Independence

By fanni.j
  • Uprising of the remenants of Thököly's army

    in Tokaj-hegyalja
  • Success at East of the Tisza and Upper Hungary

    Success at East of the Tisza and  Upper Hungary
  • Uprising of the Kuruc forces

    Uprising of the Kuruc forces
    in Tiszahát, they asked Rákoczi to be the leader
    (duel of Kuruc and labanc)
  • Success in Transylvania and terretories between Danube and Tisza

  • Defeat at Höchstadt

    the Kuruc army and the French troops could not merge
  • Success in Transdanubia

    Success in Transdanubia
  • Diet of Szécsény

    Diet of Szécsény
    Confederated Estates of the Kingdom of Hungary
    (Document about the confederation)
  • Diet of Ónod

    Diet of Ónod
    the dethronement of the Habsburg dynasty
  • Diet of Sárospatak

    Abolishment of serfdom
  • Crucial defeat at Trencsény

  • Crucial defeat at Romhány

  • The imperial army recaptured Hungary

  • Rákóczi left Hungary

  • Peace Treaty at Szatmár

  • Death of Rákóczi

    in Turkey/Türkiye