
  • Steam locomotive is invented

    Steam locomotive is invented
    The steam locomotive or "train" is built in England. It was built by George Stephenson and Richard Trevithick.
  • Public Railroad is Built

    Public Railroad is Built
    The first public railway is built in England. It was called the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. It was authorised by the act of parliment in 1826.
  • The first railroad in North America is built

    The first railroad in North America is built
    The first railroad in North America was built. It was called the Baltimore and Ohio railroad.
  • U.S. mail is carried on the rail for the first time

    U.S. mail is carried on the rail for the first time
    U.S. mail was carried on the rail for the first time on the South Carolina Railroad.
  • More and more railroads are built

    There are now 2,800 miles of rail in operation in the U.S.
  • The golden age of railroads begin.

    The golden age of railroads begin. For almost half a century, no other transportation challenged rail.
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    Rail is challenged

    Other modes of transportation challenge rail. Automobiles eventually become the most popular form of transportation. This puts a dent in the profit that the rail industry once had.
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    Rail goes bankrupt

    Penn Central Transportation Company declared bankruptcy on June 21, 1970. At the time, this was the largest bankruptcy in American history.