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Beginning Stage
I get married to someone really rich and hot when I’m 28 and live in Cinderella’s castle in Disney World for two years then buy our own island to live on. -
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Childbearing Stage
My rich and hot husband and I have our first child in 2034 and name her Shanequa then have a boy in 2035 and name him Blake. -
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Parenting stage
The kids start school and start experiencing life since we moved the rest of our family to the island so they can hang out with their cousins and actually have friends. Then they start leaving the island to go to college. -
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Launching stage
The kids leave to go to college and get jobs to start their own lives. -
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Mid-years Stage
Shanequa and Blake get married (not to each other) after college and start having kids of their own. I become a grandma and move from the island to where my kids live to be closer to my grandchildren. -
Aging Stage
I become a cranky old lady and do whatever I want cause I’m old and over it. All I do is spoil my grandkids and eat s’mores. Eventually I die at 86 because all I ate was s’mores for literally years.