Radios Events

  • Radios waves prediction

    Radios waves prediction
    in the 1860s a man by the name of James Clerk Maxwell made the prediction of radio waves. little did he know that he was about to start something big. something that would last generations !
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    Radios Events

    time spans
  • Proving The prediction

    Proving The prediction
    in 1880s a German physicist Heinrich Hertz proved the existences of radio waves. he didn't know that in about 40 year this would play music in cars around the world.
  • first radio signals

    first radio signals
    a Italian inventor sent the first radio signal and two years later that signal was received. the signal read "s" .this was just the beginning.
  • Us navy

    Us navy
    the us navy started using radios in 1901. this made it not so lonely. in case of emergency this helped a lot. and you could call for backup now.
  • WWI

    the US military started using portable radios. as the war just started and boats already had radios so. use them on land to!
  • added to cars!

    added to cars!
    in 1920 the first radios were making there way into cars, making that long ride just a little shorter. to some listening to music passes time rather quickly
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    golden age

  • the police start using radios

    the police start using radios
    in 1921 the Detroit police started using radios.l this lowers crime because if you need back up or get stuck or even just need help then you can send a radio signal. but at this time they had land lines and telephone so probably just those.
  • eLeVaToRs ArE sCaRy

    eLeVaToRs ArE sCaRy
    in the year 1922 radios were added to elevators for many reasons. people who were new to using elevators had the calming elevator music. but thats just one of my ideas they could of just been so lift men had something to pass the day with.
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    the fall of the Golden age

  • Pt.2

    max headroom. that is the name of one of the most famous broadcast hijacks. i recommend not researching it as its visibly disturbing and stupid that people find it funny to scare citizens.
  • the fall of the Golden age of radios

    radios were on the decline. with the invention of the television and smartphones
  • bad people and scary trolls Pt.1

    bad people and scary trolls Pt.1
    as long as the Internets around there will be the people who mess things up and annoy everyone. this is the hijacks of major radio stations.