Rachel's tears

Rachel's Tears

By lweaver
  • Rachel Scott

    Rachel Scott
    Rachel Scott was very kind,caring,loving,funny,loved theater,and a christian.
  • Period: to

    Rachel's Tears

    This book is about the shooting at Columbineis High School in Littleton,Colorado.Where twelve students were killed, and one teacher.
  • Planning

    Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were planning to kill people at Columbine High School in Littleton,Colorado who were mean to them or believed in God.They went to different gun shows an planned on making bombs.
  • Rachel's Diaries

    Rachel's Diaries
    Rachel started to write in jounals about her life and her feelings .
  • Morning

    The morning was going good for everyboby at Columbine High School.
  • Shooting

    The shooting is happening and Rachel and her friends are eating lunch outside.They were the first to die because Eric and Dylan started outside and then went inside
  • Waiting

    Everybody was waiting to see if their kid was alive or dead and people were praying or crying.
  • Information

    Family's found out the next day to see if there child was alive or dead .