Civil War
88 BC, the Social War revealed the talent of one general in particular, the ambitous Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who became the consul. During Sulla's consulship, Marius and his supporters defied Roman custom by trying to precent Sulla from taking a military command. Sulla responed by marching on Rome with his legions. Which started the First Civil War -
Social War
91 BC, for decades, Rome's allies in Italy had been trying to obtain Roman citizenship, but the Senate had stubbornly refused, and conflict broke out. The conflict was known as the Social War from socius, the Latin word for ally. In the end, the Italians rebels were defeated. But, the Senate ended up giving them citizenship. -
Pax Romana
27 BC - AD 180, In this timespan, he Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, is a Latin term referring to the Empire in its glorified prime. From the end of the Republican civil wars, beginning with the accession of Augustus in 27 BC, this era in Roman history lasted until 180 AD and the death of Marcus Aurelius. -
Military in Politics
107 BC, the social unrest reached a new level when a talented military leader named Gaius Marius was eleceted consul. Anxious to improve recruitment for the army, he eliminated the property restictions and began to accept anyone into the army. Poor people began to join the army. For after they fought they would get land. -
Punic Wars
264 BC, the beginning of the First Punic War. The war was dominated the fighting early on. Soon, the Romans built a navy of their own and were able to defeat Carthae. After Rome won the First Punic War Carthage was furrious. So, not long after, another punic war, called the Second Punic War broke out and Carthage won. Then, there was a Third Punic War. -
Comstantine ends all perecutions of Christians
Ad 313, Constantine end all perecutions of chiristians. Constantine the Great, also known as Constantine I or Saint Constantine, was a Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD. Constantine was the son of Flavius Valerius Constantius, a Roman army officer, and his consort Helena. When he ruled, he mad it where christians could not be persecuted for their beliefs. Which made the christians very happy. -
The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown
AD 476, the last western roman emperor was overthrown. The reason he was overthrown, is because there were 3 of them who ruled. But when one of the three died, the other two got to the point where they wanted to be the only ruler. So they fought to find who would be the ruler. And one of them lost and Sual won. Sual ruled until he died. -
Plebians get rights
494 BC, Invaders threatend Rome the plebians seceded, or withdrew. They left rome and refused to fight until changes were made. Realizing that they would not have an army without them. They Patricians gave the Plebians what they wanted. They formed their own assemblu, and wrote down all of their rights. -
The Roman Republic begins
509 BC, when the Romans revolted and threw out he last king, a tyrant. In plaacesd of the monachy, the Romans established a new typr of government, The new type of government was called a republic. In a Republic there are elected officials who run the state.Unlike a democracy where everyone votes. -
Jan 1, 753
Romuls establishes the city of Rome
in 753 BC Roma civilization changed.. There is a legend about the people who changed it. Romulus and Remus were thought to be raised by she wolves, and they were the ones who also, changed the Roman civilization. Romules, made Rome grow into a major powere and win a place in modern popular culture.