Meeting with Chris about redesigning 'Act' page and widget creation
Send digital plan for approval
Discuss proposed wireframes with Scholtz and Friends
Identify high traffic pages for redirect sidebars
Reach out to Thunderclap team about custom tipping point
Create sidebars for high traffic pages
Receive feedback/approval for digital plan
Develop mass email schedule
Email schedule will have to be tweaked based on changing universalization status and timing -
Write template copy for action emails
500 words or less with interchangeable titles, positions, government systems, etc -
Finish script for draw4us and send for approval
Identify action email targets
Top 10 - good geographic mix -- extra Europeans -
Send final script, music, voiceover to Draw4us
Thunderclap storyline and prompts written
Schedule Thunderclap promo tweets
Finalize blog schedule from March to May
Receive storyboard from draw4us
Finalize Google AdWords campaign
Identify target audiences, synchronize peak budget periods (continuing adjusments will be needed), liaise with AdWords team. -
Finalize organization spotlight tweets
Develop a showcase of tweets highlighting different Control Arms members. Tweets will be published according to the NGO's home country's ratification. E.i. Norway ratifies -- .@controlarms member FORUM has supported Norwegian ratification efforts -
Send feedback to draw4us
Adjust Thunderclap widget
Coalition update before campaign spike
Schedule out #RaceTo50 Twitter Facts
Receive final low-res version of animation video from draw4us
Campaign Spike Begins
Peak period of digital activity begins -
#RaceTo50 Email blast #1
Reach out to previous Thunderclap supporters