Intro To Riotos on 1960's
The 1960's was a pivotal decade in American History as the Civil Rights Movement was one of the most important events of the decade. Many leaders, organizations, marches, and sit0ins occured during this era. -
1960's Riots at Colleges
The 1960's were a decade of protests. It was the first time students really began to get involved. -
Greensboro North Carolina Riots
Riots in Greensboro were held at middle schools as well as highschools. Schools such as Dudley high and North Carolina A&T State University protested when aministration wouldn't let a black males name be on the ballot for students body president and lets not forget the a&t sit-in -
Riots at the University of Mississippi
students are protesting for equal rights -
Watts Riots
Since the Civil Rights act of 1964 was passed most caucsians were not reay to give up their discriminatory ways of how they treated African Americans -
College Riots were not just in the South!
Students at berkley began protesting when an executive at the local newspaper questioned their political rallies against race. -
Watts Riot
Cruel and unusual punishment toward African Americans -
Life In The Ghetto
blacks were discriminated against, and treated unfairly because the color of their skin. Two men were said to be pulled over by white policeman because the appeared to be intoxicated. -
Detroit Riot in 1967
Detriot riot was the most violent and brutal riot in the 1960's -
Detroit Riots
Protests at Columbia University in 1968
Riots After Death Of MLK
After the fatal shooting of civil rights leader Mrtin Luther King Jr. riots occured in up to 125 cities -
Rioting In Baltimore Maryland
Rioting and looting occured n the inner city of Baltimore from saturday april 6th to tuesday April 9th -
The critics of Governor Agnew felt that H. Rap Brown had alienated the African American community that voted for him -
" any nigger that can stop a riot, can start a riot!"
Melvin Williams spent 26 years in prison for having so much power and control over the community.