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Quito, Ecuador June 9-30, 2013

  • Gabrielle Johnson 2025185 - Arrival

    Gabrielle Johnson 2025185 - Arrival
    Quito, the capital of Ecuador is 10,000 ft above sea level. It is surrounded by beautiful mountains and dormeant volcanos. This is the view from my room as the sun peirces the clouds shimmering lights scatter the mountain. Quito is known for being "The Land of Eteneral Spring."
  • Period: to

    Spanish Immersion Course in Quito

  • City Tour

    City Tour
    Every Monday at 11am in Quito at the Prsidential Palace citizens gathers for the changing of the guards. The energy and excitement fills the air it is overwhelming the crowds size. Many Ecuadorians as well as a tourists attend this once a week ceremony as street vendors purse the crowd and the band plays in the background.
  • Mitad Del Mundo

    Mitad Del Mundo
    At latitude 00'00'00 located close to the Equator Monument is the real Mitad Del Mundo. There is an onsite museum featuring exhibits on how the Incas determined the middle of the earth. The museum also exhibits how the Incas lived with life-size detailed home replicas of homes, tools and bural sites. Another amazing feature of the New Mitad Del Mundo is the interactive science experiments such as balancing an egg on a nail and the affects of the Coriolis force on earth.
  • Virgen de Quito el Panecillo

    Virgen de Quito el Panecillo
    La Virgen de Quito, on Panecillo hill, is 45 metters tall of the winged virgin , inspired and enlarged from Bernardo de Lagarda's 1734 sculpture on display on the main altar in San Francisco Church. This madonna was created in 1976 by Spanish artist Agustín de la Herrán Matorras. The virgin stands on top of a globe and is stepping on a snake. Some people believe that the virgin looks to the Rich in North of the city because they will enter heaven and her back is to the Poor in the South.
  • Dance Session 1

    Dance Session 1
    After 4 long hours of nothing but Spanish and a good meal. Our group enjoyed vibrant music and dance lessons. David, our dance instructor extraordinaire taught us how to salsa for about an hour. If the latitude doesn't kill you the dancing nonstop just might. The dance lessons were great fun for everyone as toes were stepped on and dizzy spells to accompany. It was a great way to spend the afternoon.
  • Otavalo

    I realize that this picture alone doesn't express the beauty that is Otavalo, which lies in the faces of the indigenous Otavaleños. The Otavalo market is attractive to visitors for both its outstanding shopping and its cultural significance. Local people use market day much the way their ancestors did during Ecuador’s pre-Colombian history. The vibrant colors add to the energy of the overwhelming landscape of hand crafted items, which are available all over the market.
  • Basílica del Voto Nacional

    Basílica del Voto Nacional
    The Basilica del Voto Nacional is an amazing church. Its neo-Gothic in style with famous animals of the Galápagos Islands inplace of the gargoyles you would normally see. It is built on a high spot in the city center, a few blocks away from Plaza de la Independencia. It was started at the end of the 19th century but was not finished until the 20th Century. The building is of stone, which is mostly from the Pichincha quarries.
  • Mercado Artesanal

    Mercado Artesanal
    This photo is actually of Parque Del Ejido and the vendors that come from Otavalo. They sale the exact same things that you find in Otavalo on Sunday's. There are also musicians playing lively music in the park that many children will dance to and artist with their unique paintings, sculptures and figurines. There is a market similar to this one in the La Mariscal district.
  • Kids Project

    Kids Project
    A this small school in a less fortunate part of town we volenteer to educate the students. An enjoyable experiment to interact and learn from them. They are very curious about each person that they come in contact with from the school. They were eager to teach us new things and correct our grammar mistakes. I had an amazing time with these children and learned a great deal from them.
  • La Casa de la Cultura

    La Casa de la Cultura
    The Casa de la Cultura musseum is located in the north-central part of the city. It gathers together the best of Ecuadorian art. Each room or space reflects a different theme, such as ethnography, sculpture, music or painting. The museum is a walkthrough of the various indigenous groups that inhabited the land before the Columbian conquest. The artwork that was produced during these times periods tells stories of the people, their beliefs and what was important to them during those times.
  • Iñaquito Maricado

    Iñaquito Maricado
    Located in the north of the city, Inaquito market sells fruit, vegetables, seafood, meat, dry goods, medicinal herbs and all other kinds of produce. There are many different types of juice to try out, while I don't remember the names of drinks they were amazing to try. In the market there are two food courts. A part of an Andean specialty "yahuarlocro" a blood stew is available, however I was not that brave. The market has seafood and meat of all sorts.
  • Dance Session 2

    Dance Session 2
    Merengue is a style of Dominican music and dance. Partners hold each other in a closed position. The leader holds the follower's waist with the leader's right hand, while holding the follower's right hand with the leader's left hand at the follower's eye level. Partners bend their knees slightly left and right making the hips move left and right. It won't matter that you can't dance or have no rhythm the music will flow and you will follow.
  • Cotopaxi

    Cotopaxi is one of the highest active volcanoes in the world and we climbed it. Cotopaxi was also once worshiped by Ecuador’s ancient civilizations, thought to be the bringer of rain and prosperous crops; and the top of Cotopaxi was considered to be where God resided. It was first climbed in 1872, and the ascent has only gotten a lot more popular since then. It was a difficult climb, but we did it and the view was spectacular.
  • Bellavista Bosque de Nubes

    Bellavista Bosque de Nubes
    A 2,000-acre certified conservation area on the North-Western slopes of the Andean mountain range. It is home to a huge variety of bird species and orchid species of plants and trees. It is declared part of the Mindo area, where astonishing waterfalls seems like scenery from a dream. In the reserve area include the endangered Spectacled Bear, as well as the puma, Andean coati and tayra. Unfortunately, we weren't able to see any of these mammals. Next time perhaps...
  • Guayasamin Museo

    Guayasamin Museo
    La Capilla del Hombre museum (Chapel of man) dedicated to the peoples of Latin America. The construction began in 1995 and was completed in 2002, 2 years after his death. Oswaldo Guayasamin was born July 6, 1919 and died March 10, 1999. His father was Ecuadorian and his mother mestiza. this wonderful museum houses the most complete collection of his work. Guayasamín was also an avid collector, and the museum displays his outstanding collection of more than 4500 pre-Colombian ceramics.
  • La Mariscal

    La Mariscal
    Quito's nightlife takes place mainly in the Mariscal area; "La Mariscal" is located between the Colon and Patria Avenues. In this area you find many different options of entertainment like bars, discos, coffeshops, café nets, restaurants, cultural centers, live music shows and much more. For Ecuadorians it is known as the Land of the Gringos. There are plenty of souvenir and arts and crafts markets in the La Mariscal area.
  • Kids Project Party

    Kids Project Party
    Our last week in Quito was emotional as we threw a farewell party for the kids. The children danced and sang for us. We attempted to teach them songs and dances that are popular here, which was entertaining to say the least. We shared laughs and food with them before saying our tearful goodbyes. Smiles translate into any culture.
  • Cooking Lessons

    Cooking Lessons
    I can't remember what it was that we were making, but we had a great time making it together. The amazing women that worked in the kitchen having to put up with us as we made our mess of afternoon snacks. It was good fun with everyone on the trip as our last day together slowly came to an end. Food brings everyone a little closer togather.
  • Farewell to Host Family

    Farewell to Host Family
    My amazing host brothers are what made my experience so worthwhile. Jaime on left and Bernando on the right were kind enough to take my husband and I to parts of town that you would not normally see. The amazing lights of the city at night and getting to try traditional yet simple treats that the city has to offer. I am proud to say that I have family in another part of the world.
  • Return Home

    Return Home
    The flight home was long, but I am happy to be back with family and friends sharing the wonderful experiences of Quito, Ecuador. -MVC Spanish Immerision Trip Quito June 9-30, 2013