Question 6-What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
By AmyRyckaert
The equipment we used
We used the flip camera to film all of our shots. I found that the flip camera was very easy to use however, because it was a very simple camera some of the shots weren't as clear as they could have been. We used the tripod to support our camera so that our shots weren't too shaky. The tripod was fairly easy to use however, I had some trouble at the beginning with getting it at the right angle, We used the Mac to do all of our editing for our video and I learnt what effects worked best. -
Edting the shots
We used iMovie to edit our video and this allowed us to change the colouring of our shots and add effects. iMovie was quite straightforward and it allowed us to add titles and sound to it as well. We able to cut down our shots before we inserted them into our video and so this was really useful. During the editing I learned how to add shots over the top of each other and what effects worked best on certain shots and scenes to create the right mood. -
Creating the sound
We used Soundtrack to creat our sound as this allowed to add in lots of layers and textures. Soundtrack allowed us to add our video so that we could time our sound with the video. I learned how to create a piece of music on Soundtrack that provided the best tone to fit the mood.