400 BCE
Democritus belived that things were made up of tiny little particles invisible to the human eye.
Un México at that time the culture of the totonacas stablished un the Gulf of Mexico.
Un the world at that time the construction of Fortuna Maiden Castle in England began. -
322 BCE
Aristotle belived that everithing was made up about the 4 elements: water, wind, fire and earth.
Un México at that times the olmec cultura disappearde.
Un the world at that time Chandragupta Maurya became the fiesta Euler un the Maurya empire un India -
John Dalton
Dalton comprove the theory of democritus.
Un Mexico at that time the políticas crisis began.
Un the world at that time the first French troops Enter Catalonia -
Döbereiner discovered a formar yo group some elements of the perdiodic tabel. His method yo group them is denominated triads.
In Mexico at that time the independence war continued until 1821.
In the world at that moment the Mississippi territory is divided in 2 creating one of the halves of the Alabama territory. -
John Newlands
John Newlands was another chemist who tried to group the elements. Newlands discovered the octaves.
In mexico at that time the "batalla of mazatlán" happened.
In te world at that time Jules Verne wrote "Journey to the Venter of the earth". -
Dimitri Mendeleev
Mendeleev formulated the perdiodic law.
In mexico at that time the revolution "antijuarista" was about to happened.
In the world at that moment -
Henri Becquerel
He discovered the radioactivity.
In Mexico at that time Porfirio Díaz was elected as the president
In the world at that moment Wilhelm Roentgen discovered electromagnetic radiation. -
Joseph Thomson
Joseph Thomson Discovery the electron. His atomic modelo is similar yo a chocolate chip cookie.
Un Mexico at that time antes attack is made todo the president Porfirio Díaz.
Un the world at that moment Thomas Edison patentated the kinetoscope. -
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein discovered the fórmula of energy. E=mc2.
In Mexico at that time the independence war started.
In the world at that time in france the National Assembly rejects the proporsal to abolish the sea penalty. -
Ernest Rutherford
Rutherford discovered the nucleous of the atom.
In Mexico at that moment Fransisco I. Madero was elected as the president.
In the world at that time sailors declared a general strike in Great Britain. -
Bogotá atomic model said that electrons had an orbit arround the nucleous.
Un Mexico at that time the war of independence was unleashed.
In the world at that time the Pope Pius X prohibits filsm with religión content. -
Henry Mosely
He discovered mosoley's law.
In Mexico at that time the battle of León started.
In the world at that time the United States rejected the proporsal foro el right to vote. -
Heisenberg was a main contributor ti the German Atomic Program during the WW2.
In Mexico during that time an earthquake happened.
Un the world during that time Adolf Hitler is presentes as the candidato oficialista the oresidency of Germany.