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Queens, Revolutionaries and Scientists: Six Great Womanly Figures of Modern European History

  • Period: to

    Modern Europe

  • Maria Winkelmann's Entry at Berlin's Academy of Science

    Maria Winkelmann's Entry at Berlin's Academy of Science
    Unknown. Maria Winkelmann in her observatory. Berlin: c. 1720.
    Maria Winkelmann is the first woman to enter Berlin's Academy of Sciences and a icon of Europe's Scientific Revolution.
  • Manifesto inviting Foreign Emigration of Catherine the Great

    Manifesto inviting Foreign Emigration of Catherine the Great
  • Declaration of the Right of the Women and Female Citizens

    Declaration of the Right of the Women and Female Citizens
    De Gouges, Olympes. Déclaration des Droits de la Femme et de la Citoyenne. Paris: 1791.
    A founding document in feminisit history, this Declaration cost de Gouges her head.
  • Punch Magazine's Caricature ''New Crowns for Old Ones!''

    Punch Magazine's Caricature ''New Crowns for Old Ones!''
    Tenniel, John. "New Crowns for Old Ones!". London: Punch Magazine, 1876.
    Victoria was crowned Empress of India at the height of British imperialism and presided over much of her kingdom's industrialization.
  • Montesquiou's La Divine Comtesse on Virginia Oldoini's life

    Montesquiou's La Divine Comtesse on Virginia Oldoini's life
    Montesquiou, Robert de. La Divine Comtesse: Études D'après Madame De Castiglione. Paris: Goupil, 1913.
    Virginia Oldoini's role in the Risorgimento is often shadowed by her pioneering work of modern photography.
  • Rosa Luxemburg's funeral march.

    Rosa Luxemburg's funeral march.
    Unknown. "Beisetzung Von Rosa Luxemburg ", edited by German Federal Archives. Berlin, 1919.
    A founding intellectual of German and European socialism, Rosa Luxemburg's murder is a turning point in the history of nationalism, communism and fascism.