Period: May 8, 1300 to
A belief that consists of attributing spirits to objects, plants, and animals. -
Jan 1, 1497
Discovery of the Great Banks
John Cabot - English, off the coast of Newfoundland -
Period: 1497 to
French Monarchs
Monarchy -
Period: Dec 16, 1497 to
1603 - Founding of Port Royal -
Period: Dec 16, 1497 to
Fishing (cod) and Whaling
Main economic activity in Canada from Pre-Contact to Founding of Company of 100 Associates -
Period: to
An economic system that encourages the concentration of wealth, the control of the means of production by a small number of people, as well as free competition. (Every man for himself). -
Period: to
A doctrine where the King has complete authority over the Pope and the Catholic Church. (Louis XIV) -
Period: to
An attitude which consists of lending support to political, cultural, economic, or military domination exerted by one state over another. (France over New France, BRITISH EMPIRE) -
Period: to
French Régime
Champlain founds Quebec City
Moves from Port Royal in Acadia to Quebec City -
Period: to
Founding of the Company of 100 Associates
Monopoly of the fur trade in Canada, imports beaver fur and sells hats -
Period: to
Fur Trade (hats)
Main economic activity from Founding of Company of 100 Associates to 1803 (continental blockade) -
Royal Government
Louis the 14th creates Royal Government, disbands Company and takes over monopoly fur trade -
Period: to
English Monarchs
Constitutional monarchy -
Period: to
Military Rule in Montreal
British Conquest -
Period: to
British Conquest
Period: to
First Phase of Industrialization
Industries - TEXTILES, cloth, clothing, leather Power Sources - COAL, water power Investment - GREAT BRITAIN -
Royal Proclamation
Great Britain -
Period: to
A political and religious doctrine according to which the Catholic Church predominates in every way, notably with respect to political power. (Church over King) (Church convincing Quebec to accept the British) -
Quebec Act
Quebec is given more territory to the South, as well as French Civil Law, and linguistic and cultural rights. -
Declaration of Independence
Beginning of the Revolutionary War -
United States of America founded
The Patriots win the Revolutionary War -
Period: to
Loyalist Migration
Constitutional Act
Divided the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada (English-speaking business, loyal to Britain) and Lower Canada (French-speaking working class, Québecois) -
Period: to
Continental Blockade against Great Britain by France
Napoleonic Wars, forced GB to turn to Canadian wood to build their navy. Stimulated timber industry -
Period: to
Timber (ships)
Main economic activity from 1803 (continental blockade) to 1867 (BNA Act) -
Period: to
~Neutral Left~
A political ideology according to which all individuals have equal and fundamental (natural) rights, including protection from the abuse of the monarch's power. (Newspapers) -
Durham Report
Investigated the cause of the 1837 rebellions. Recommended the union of Upper and Lower Canada."Paved the way for responsible government." - Canadian Encyclopedia, (The Durham Report) -
Union Act
United the governments of Upper and Lower Canada to create the Dominion/Province of Canada. -
Period: to
Irish wave immigration
Potato Famine pushed the Irish to move to Canada -
Responsible Government
Elected assembly is elected -
Responsible government (Ont. and Qc.)
Responsible government: a government that is voted for by the people (elected assemblies etc). -
Period: to
Chinese wave immigration
Chinese immigrants came to Canada to work on the Canadian Pacific Railway in order to pay for their families to move to Canada -
Period: to
A political ideology that identifies nation as a group of individuals who share common characteristics. Also refers to an individual's sense of belonging to a nation. (French-Canadian nationalism, Canadian nationalism). Joining the military. -
British North America Act
Made Canada a constitutional monarchy -
Period: to
Period: to
National Policy implemented
Conceived in 1876, law passed in 1879. 3 parts - Railroad to the West, Tariffs to protect young Canadian industries, Settles immigrants and promote farming lifestyle to support the increasing population. -
Period: to
Second Phase of Industrialization - Great Britain's "Bread Basket"
Industries - MINING (minerals), railway, manufacturing, forestry, large-scale agriculture
Power Sources - HYDROELECTRICITY, oil and gas
Investment - USA, Great Britain Great Britain could no longer support it's population with just their crops, so they had to buy food from Canada -
Period: to
An economic system that encourages the pooling of resources and a shared management style, as well as profits. Ex: Desjardins Co-operative. -
Period: to
Period: to
The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. (International Women's Day) -
Period: to
~Far left on the political spectrum~
A political ideology that advocates the abolition of private property and the redistribution f resources by pooling the means of production. Communists believe that revolution is essential for workers to gain power. (Mao - China, Lenin + Soviet Russia, Cuba) COLD WAR - USSR -
Period: to
~Radical/far right on the political spectrum~
A political ideology that promotes tradition and totalitarianism, as well as extreme nationalism. Usually a dictatorship. (Hitler - Nazi Germany, Stalin, Mussolini - Fascist Italy) -
Period: to
The influence of American culture and the American lifestyle. (Consumerism, music, Hollywood) -
Period: to
The Great Depression
Black Thursday, the stock markets crashed. -
Period: to
An ideology that values a traditional way of life based on agriculture.
(Duplessis Era - romanticizing the farmer and rural lifestyle + traditional Catholic values.) -
Statute of Westminster
Period: to
Nationalization of Hydro-Quebec
Hydroelectricity -
Period: to
Contemporary Period
Period: to
Baby Boom
Italian Wave Immigration
Period: to
An attitude of consideration of Aboriginal people's cultural characteristics. (Studying Aboriginal traditions, languages, etc) -
Period: to
Separation of Church and State. Keeping religion out of public affairs. (Education, healthcare) -
Period: to
An attitude consisting of a refusal of the Church's influence over any sphere of life other than the religious sphere. -
Period: to
~Middle left on the political spectrum~
A political ideology that defends the interests of the greater number of people rather than those of small groups. Socialists believe that only state interventionism is capable of ensuring this defence. (Free, tax paid healthcare, free education) -
Period: to
Quiet Revolution
Secularization, liberals elected (Jean Lesage), immense socio-economic progress and developement in Quebec -
FLQ October Crisis
Front de Liberation de Québec kidnaps James Cross (British diplomat) and Pierre Laporte (provincial cabinet minister). Laporte is murdered. Pierre Trudeau (PM) invokes the War Measures Act, bringing the military into Montreal. -
Constitutional Act
Canada formally assumes authority over it's own constitution. Pierre Trudeau - PM, René Léveque - Québec premier. Night of the Long Knives: Quebec is "betrayed" by the other provinces who sign the new constitution after cutting deals with the federal government (Quebec thought that the other provinces were going to support the push in negotiations for more provincial power) -
North America Free Trade Agreement