

By theak
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    Duplessis Era

    Premier of Quebec in the Union National party. A strong quebec nationalist. Believed Quebec was a distinc nation and created new flag for them. In his era there was a weak education system and no unions. There was a strong emphisis on the church's controll.
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    Jean Lesage Quebec Priemer

    Priemer of Quebec for liberals. Started The Quiet Revolution. Wanted torid of corruption - jobs were awarded according to merit. Took control of social services and education system. Nationalized hypro.
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    The Quiet Revolution

    With the election of Lesage Quebec was encuraged to take change towards modernization. Gov. took control of social services and education moderinizing tat and economy, plotics and culture. The influence of the Rman Catholic Church declined. Birthed sepritism as injustices between the treatment of anglos and francos in modern Queec became more apparent. Many wanted to seperate and become an independant country, some radicals joiond the Front de liberation (FLQ).
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    Lester B Pearson Prime Minister

    Wanted Quebec to feel more a part of Canada. Appointed the Commmision on Bilinguilism and Bicultralism (Bi and Bi Commision) to find solutions. They recomened that Canada become officialy bilingual. He made a new flag.
  • Canadas New flag

    A new Canadian flag was raised after a year of searching. Met with controversy. At first no one like west felt that Gov. was just trying to please Quebec. Quebec has always resented it.
  • Parti Quebecois

    Rene Levesque believed that seperation should be discussed but when his party (liberals) refused he left and founded the Parti Quebecois based on the goal of seperation
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    Pierre Treadeau Prime Minister

  • Official Languages Act

    From the recomondation of the Bi and Bi Commision Trudeau passed the Official Languages Act making Canada an officially bilingual country. All federal GOv. had to provide services in both languages. English civil servents had to take French training. More French Canadians to be appointed to senior federal gov. positions. Mixed reviews - some embraced while other felt allinated and that Quebec was getting special status.
  • The October Crisis

    The radicl FLQ who had been planting bombs in maleboxes and other places kidnapps James Cross - a British diplomat. FLQ makes demands including setting free prisoners - is not done. On the 10th labour minister Pierre Laporte is kidnapped. Trudeau enacts the War Measures Act - limiting citizens rights and being able to arrest anyone. te 16th troops were sent in - the next day Lapotre was found dead. Increase pressure led the gov. to finding cross 2 months later and exciling the captives,
  • Parti Quebecois in power

    PQ is in power in the province of Quebec. Rene Levesque promises to have referendum to begin dialouge on seperation.
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    Parti Quebecois Provincial Rene Levesque

  • Bill 101

    PQ passed the "Charter of the French Language" made French the only official language of the province. EVERYTHING basically had to be french - signs, language of the workplace, schools. Quebec Francophones liked but angls felt allianated.
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    Pierre Trudeau Prime Minister

  • 1980 Referendum

    PQ calls referendum on wheher dialouge should begin to mandate a new soveregtiy association between Canada and Quebec. Both Trudeau and Levesque give impashioned speeches. Trudeau ultimatly persuades many by promising to patriate the conferderation. the vote ends up 40%yes 60%no
  • Kitchen Compromise

    Trudeau wanted to patriate the constitution and include a charter of rights and freedoms however a series of meetings failed. But one night in the kitchen of their hotel ministers created the agreement. All of the premiers were awakened and sked to approve the deal except Levesque whwas staying at a different hotel. He felt betrayed and refused to sign it - but only 7/10 provinces needed to.
  • New Constitution

    The New constituation based on the Kitchen Compromise was signed into las including the "notwithstanding" clause with Quebec's agreement,
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    Brian Mulroney Prime Minister

    Elcted on the premise of rewriting the constituation to include Qebec.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Mulroney calls conference to alter constitution. Offers recognizing Quebec as a distinct society and giving more power to the provinces in the form of veto. Critics felt this would further seperate Canada. Quebec felt it important to be a distinct society to perserve culture. 2 provinces withheld support notably Elijah Harper who oppsed because of the lack of First Nation rights. By 1990 Meech Lake was dead and Bouchard a powerful member f the cabnit left the party and founded the Bloc Quebecois
  • Charlotte Town Accord

    Mulroney propsed a new constitutional ammendments based on what a commitee accross Canada had suggested. It proposed an elected Senate and Aboriganal self-government rights. The accord was put to national referendum and was rejected with 54.5% of the vote. People felt it was too complcated and BC feltgave Quebec too much power.
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    Jean Cretian Prime Minister

    but actually untill 2003
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    Jacques Parizeau Preimer of Quebec

    Parti Quebecois
  • 1995 Referendum

    PQ put forward to vote on full soverignty. the vote was 49.4% yes and 50.1% no.