Ch. 18.2 The Beginning of the Crusades, Later Europe
A band of Turkish Muslims invaded Jerusalem and the Byzantine Empire. The Pope at Constantinople was afraid of being attacked and asked for help at the Roman Orodox Church witch came and helped but lost -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Ch. 18 The Later Middle Ages
This chapter is about the downfall of the middle ages and how it's success has helped us today. Like it helped us made universities -
Ch. 18.3 The Beginning of the Monks of Cluny, Later Europe
Back then Politics was included with churches which made Monks unhappy. So they went to France and stared a monetary in Cluny. They paid very little attention to the world and followed a streicted schedule -
Ch.18.1 Kings and Popes Clash, Later Europe
Emperor Henry IV always picked the Bishop for the church which everybody agreed except for the new Pope Gregory VII. He disapproved of the king which got Henry mad for someone questioning his authority. So the Pope Excommunicated Henry and only let him back into the church after he stood in the snow for 3 days -
Ch. 18.4 The Magna Carta is signed, Later Europe
The people didn't like the way King John was ruling Europe because he was so harsh so they decided to make a Document which was the Magna Carta. It was a documnet that told of the people and told the king what he could and counldn't do -
Period: 1270 to
Ch. 19 The Renaissance and Reformation
The Italian renaissance has about the growth and the success of Italy and how it grew. Like in the arts and trading and inventions and religious events that shaped it into what it is today -
Period: 1400 to
Ch. 20 Science and Exploration, Europe
Science and Exploration has evolded from what it used to be then today. Like Ptomley and Isaac Newton. What they did back then, effected us today -
Ch. 19. 1 The birth of the Mona Lisa, England
Leonardo De Vinc was an inventor and painter. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa. He also made a human flying machine and a self portit of himself -
Ch. 18.5 The Beginning of the Spanish Insquinsition, Later Europe
In 1469, Queen Isabelle married King Ferdand and stared the Spanish Inquisition. This was to help get rid of Jews, Heritics,and Muslims that were in Spain -
Ch. 20. 2 Columbus Expedition, Spain
Christopher Columbus was an explorer that wanted to prove that the world was round so he went a diffrent way to Asia running into Indonesia -
Ch. 19.2 The Beginning of the Gutenberg Printing Press, Europe
Johanna Gutenberg made the first printing machine. His first object to print was the Bible. The machine is made with movable type for some to copy an entire sheet -
Ch. 20. 3 Exploartion starts in Europe, Europe
In the 1500’s, Portugal and Spain became leaders of exploration. Later in the 1600’s, The Netherlands and the Dutch became important Exploration Leaders -
Aug 31, 1517
Ch. 19. 3 Martin Luther nails his Thesis, Germany
Martin Luther was a priest who didn’t like the way the Catholics were running the church. He wanted to -
Ch. 20.1 The Scientific Revolution begins , Europe
The Sciencentific Revolution is events that led to science that we are doing today. They were usually people who amde -
Period: to
Ch. 21 Enlightenment and Revolution
This section is about the English tent period and how it inspired war and ideas that affected us today -
Ch. 21.1 Valtaire starts to speak out, France
Volitare was a famous political author that spoke out against the government in France. The way he wrote with his boldness was very interesting and made him very popular -
Ch. 21.2 Benjamin Franklin goes into politics, America
Benjamin Franklin was a famous scientist but was also interested in the Enlightenment with Thomas Jefferson. In 1766, he went to england to argue for the freedom of the colonist -
Ch. 21.3 Freedom for Colonist, America
In 1776, The colonist wanted to free from under the rule of the king. Many of the people back then agreed and that started the Boston tea party when British shoulder and boat entered the Boston harbor. -
Ch. 18 M.E Europe Today
Today we have universities/Colleges where adults after they finished high school. We have lots of incommon with the colledges back then expect that only boys went at 14 -
19 M.E Modern Plays Today
Willam Shakespeare wrote plays that have been famous and produced. Like Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and also Henry IIV -
Ch. 20 M.E Trading Today
What people did back then, effected today. We have TONS of supplies that lasted because of the old days. Like Banking, Marketing Economies and also Capitalism -
Ch. 21 M.E Democracy Today
Today, the US has a Democracy where the president can control the US along with the suprem court