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Quarter 4 timetoast

By Lyd8
  • 400

    17.1 Europe, Saint Patrick is born

    As the Roman Empire fell people groups from the north began moving east in former Roman lands. When they moved rheum claimed former Roman areas as their own. The ending result up this is that Europe was then split into many small kingdoms. Missionaries later took the split kingdoms as an open door to spread Christianity. The first leader of the Christian church or pope was Saint Patrick.
  • Period: 400 to 1200

    Chapter 17 Europe, The Early Middle Ages

    In the feudal society kings and queens were at the top then nobles were after that and below them were knights lastly there were peasants.
  • 742

    17.2 Europe, Charlemagne begins to rule

    Just as Christianity was rapidly chnging and developing, the same went for politics of that kingdom. As strong as the Franks were under Clovis the great power they had been longing for didn’t come till Charlemagne was in rule. He was a brilliant warrior and strong king. He even expanded the empire.
  • 800

    17.3 Europe, Europe begins its Feudal society

    When Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims began attacking the empire. Frankish kings were incapable of defending their empire. Because of this the king resulting in feudalism to govern their empire.
  • 900

    18.3 Europe, The church shapes society and politics

    Almost everyone in the Middle Ages was Christian. Church officials called Clergy’s teaching were very influential back then. The church even gained political power in the Middle Ages.
  • 1000

    18.1 Europe, Popes and kings rule Europe

    In the early Middle Ages Nobles and knights tended to have a great amount of power. Things in the later Middle Ages changed quite a bit. Popes had spiritual power and kings had political power. They both pretty much controlled most of Europe.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    Chapter 18 Europe, The Later Middle Ages

    Kings were the most powerful people in Europe. In search for power kings came up against other powerful leaders which at that time referred to the popes. Kings constantly found a way to increase their power.
  • 1066

    Chapter 17 modern day connection peasents

    Today just like the knights we hire maids to clean and take care of our houses when we are at work or school. The knights hired peasents to work their land.
  • 1066

    17.4 Europe, The manor system develops

    When knights were gives fiefs they were unable to work their land. As a result they hired peasants to work their land. The land knights were gifted were called manors
  • 1096

    18.2 Europe, The Crusades begin

    The crusades were a long series of wars between Christians and Muslims in Southwest Asia. They fought to control Palestine or the Holy land. They called it the holy land because it was the region where Jesus had lived, preached, and then died.
  • Period: 1200 to

    Chapter 19 The Renaissance and reformation

    At first, Italy during the time of the Renaissance was quite bare and wasn't the beautiful city we know it as. Because of people like the Medici family art began to transform Italy in ways many people never thought was possible.
  • 1215

    18.4 Europe, Magna Carta causes change in England

    In 1215 some nobles decided to force the king to respect their rights. One day in the middle of a field the nobles forced the king to sign something called the Magna Carta which was basically a group of rights that the king could not ignore. The Magna Carta solved the people's problems because it made him respect their rights. For example, one of the rights stated that the king could not send someone to jail without a good reason. This set some roots down that affected England majorly.
  • 1300

    19.2 Italy, Advances in Science and education occur during the Renissance

    Many of the texts recorded in the 1300s had to do with rediscoveries of original Greek scholars. After learning and reviewing this Scholars in the renaissance age were able to make their own advances in science. Renaissance scientists thought that studying mathematics could help them undersatnd the universe better. The concluded in make symbols for square roots, the positive sign, and the negative sign.
  • 1300

    19.1 Italy, Italy begins trading with Asia once again

    From AD 1 to 200 Asia was one of Italy's regular trade routes. They used what we know as the Silk Road. This was a route that was protected by soldiers. After the fall of the Han dynasty soldiers no longer protected the road. This now made the road untravelable which then resulted in no trade between Asia and Italy. In the 1200s the Mongols took over China which let to the roads being safe for people to travel and trade with.
  • 1400

    20.2 Europe, Columbus sets sail

    In the 1400s people began to have a desire to discover more about the world . Explorers such as Dias, Da gama, Cabral, Columbus, Magellan, Cartier, Drake, and Cabot. Magellan’s crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Chapter 20 Science and Exploration

    During this time scientists such as Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannesburg Kepler, and Sir Issac Newton came up with different theories about outer space and how planets worked.
  • 1500

    20.3 Europe, The Colombian exchange begins

    During the 1500s a new accomplishment came into play. Something called the Columbia Exchange which which was an exchange between plants, animals, and new ideas between the new world (the Americas). I completely changed lives all around the world.
  • 1500

    19.3 Europe, The reformation of Christianity begins

    By the age of the Renaissance, people began to want a change from the Catholic church. People had many opinions on why this should change. by the 1500s a man named Martin Luther stepped up and posted up a list of complaints about the church on a church door in Wittenberg. This is called The 95 Thesis. All of Luther's ideas resulted in a split among the church. The people who protested against the Roman Catholic church were then called Protestants.
  • 1540

    20.1 Europe, The scientific revolution begins

    The Science revolution happened between 1540 and 1700. People gained knowledge by studying the world around them and using logic. Greek thinkers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy started making the theories. People later on used their theories and made new ones.
  • 21.2 Europe, The Enlightenment begins to influence monarchies

    The enlightenment played a big role in the changes of the monarchies in Europe. In the 1600s-1700s kings, queens, and emperors ruled Europe. Most Monarchs thought that they had the divine right to rule. Divine Right is when you think that God specifically chose and wanted you to rule. During King Louis XIV's rule, enlightenment thinks such as Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu began to protest and gave their opinions about the situation which eventually brought change.
  • 21.3 Europe, A trouble occurs with parliment

    For a while, the English parliament and monarchies had many conflicts with each other. The conflicts eventually lead to a war in 1642. Representatives of the parliament led by Oliver Cromwell took over the country. Their rule was not peaceful and the people weren't happy. King Charles I was beheaded in 1649. Because of the revolt of the people Charles the 1st's son became king and organized the Bill of Rights which eventually lead to freedom of the people.
  • Period: to

    chapter 21 Enlightenment and Revolution

    Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau fought for different changes in the government that they did not like. John said that the government's power was limited and that the people needed to have something called Natural rights, Charles said that the power of the government needed to be separated into different branches, and Jean said that the government should reflect more with the will of the people.
  • 21.1 Europe, The Age of Reason begins

    Discoveries during the Scientific revolution and voyages made finally paid off for Europe. The new scholars relied on logic and reason to make their discoveries, but in time before people based most of their discoveries by expanding on religious ideas. This time was called the Enlightenment which was the use of reason in guiding people's thoughts about philosophy, society, and politics. The enlightenment based their thoughts more on Greeks, Romans, and other of the many discoveries.
  • Chapter 19 Advances in Science Modern day connection

    Just like the people in the time of the Renaissance, we in this modern age study the facts that were discovered from the past and use that to make new discoveries in education. In order to make new discoveries, I think it is important to look back at what you've already learned.
  • Chapter 20 modern day connection, Exploration

    Just like during the 1400s, we, today, still explore the world and invent new ways to explore. Because of the inspiration that happened in the 1400s, we continue to do this and learn new things about our world.
  • chapter 21 Modern day connection, government

    Just like today, Europe used a government to rule their countries. At that time, their government was the foundation of an ever growing government. Without many enlightenment thinkers, the government wouldn't be what it was today.
  • Chapter 18 Modern Connection Europe, Magna Carta

    Because of the Magna Carta countries all around the world began improving their political system and society. If it weren't for the one idea of the Magna Carta, many systems and procedures today would be very different.