Quarter 3 Timeline

By B Davis
  • Haitian Independence.

    Haitian Independence.
    The Haitian Revolution was a successful anti-slavery revolt done by the slaves of Haiti against the French. They were led by Toussaint Louverture
  • Conference of Berlin

    Conference of Berlin
    The Berlin conference took place in 1884-1885 and was also known as the Congo conference and the West Africa conference. The purpose was to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period. It set guidelines for what European nation could takeover a African nation.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    This congress was held after the Napoleonic wars. It was attended by all the major powers of Europe such as Prussia, and also included Russia
  • End of the Franco Prussian War

    End of the Franco Prussian War
    The Franco-Prussian War or Franco-German War, often referred to in France as the War of 1870, was a conflict between the Second French Empire and the German states of the North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia. It led to the Unification of Germany.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion took place towards the end of the Qing Dynasty. It was a anti-foreign movement taken place in China. It was to drive all European foreigners out of China.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The Assassination of Ferdinand was done by the Serbian terrorist group the Black Hand. This will be a main cause in the start of WWI. This assassination triggered the alliance system with other European nations.
  • Sinking of The Lusitania

    Sinking of The Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a U.S ship moving ammunition to the allies which was blown up by a German submarine. All of the passengers on board were killed. This along with the Zimmerman Telegram will lead to the United States entering into WWI.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was a secret diplomatic communication that issued from Germany to Mexico asking for help if the United States entered the war. The British intercepted the note, translated it, and sent it to the United States. After this, Woodrow Wilson will go to Congress and get a Declaration of War.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution took place in 1917, during the final phase of World War I. It removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), replacing Russia's traditional monarchy with the world's first Communist state with Joseph Stalin in charge. Stalin was a Totalitarianism leader.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is one of the more important peace treaties ratified at the end of WWI. This ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. This treaty also had a few requirements for Germany, such as paying reparations, getting a limited military, etc.