2000 BCE
8.1 Volcano destroys Crete and effects The Minoans
Greece is a place where there are rugged mountains, rough coastlines, and excellent islands. All of these qualities shape civilizations and protection of Greece. The Greek Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides. It has a series of other islands scattered all over the Mediterranean, Ionian, and the Aegean sea. because the travel on island was rugged and altogether difficult Greek people looked to the sea for travel. Civilizations like the Minoans and the Mycenaeans traded with each other -
Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE
Chapter 8
Greece has shaped our world today with many cultures and techniques like government systems and more. -
1600 BCE
Chapter 6.1 Geography shapes the development in China
Geography played a major role in the development of Chinese civilization. -
Period: 1600 BCE to 1 CE
Chapter 6
The Xia dynasty 2200BC, Shang dynasty 1500s BC, Zhou dynasty around 1050-400 BC, Qin dynasty around 221-206 BC, Han dynasty around 206 BC- 220 AD -
1100 BCE
Chapter 6.2 The start of the Zhou dynasty
The Zhou dynasty expanded China but declined. It was the longest lasting dynasty. At this time Lords got land for loyalty. According to the Zhou political system Heaven would give permission for a king to rule. This was also the time of the "warring states" period. After a while Confucius brought order to Chinese society. He focused on Respect, loyalty, leading by example, and eduction. -
Period: 800 BCE to 1 CE
Chapter 10
The Roman Empire expands and grows. -
753 BCE
10.1 The rise of Ro
Roman’s believed that their history could be traced back to a man named Aeneas. Legend has it that he made his way to I
Italy fleeing from the Trojan war. He was said to have sent his sons as babies down the Tiber River and were raised by wolfs. When they grew up they returned to where they were brought before the river to start a city. The boys names were Romulus and Remus. To decide who would control the empire they fought and eventually Romulus killed Remus. Today Rome was named after him -
700 BCE
8.3 Greece begins mythology and many pieces of literature
Greek people believed in mythology which is a body of stories about gods and heroes explaining why natural disasters like storms or earthquakes happen. because the Greek people loved mythology they became amazing at literature that are some of the most famous stories today. Some famous poets include Homer and Aesop. -
550 BCE
9.1 Military and society grows in Greece and persia
While Athenians were beginning to create a democracy new power began to grow in the east. This power is what we know today as the Persian Empire which would one day attack Greece. because of Cyrus The Great and Darius Persia had a very good chance against Greece. Many wars were fought with Greece and Persia because of their great leaders. All these sets of wars are what we know today as the Persian Wars. -
Period: 550 BCE to 50 BCE
Chapter 9 The Greek World
The Greek world has shaped our world today through their many military leaders and more. -
500 BCE
Chapter 9 modern day connection
A modern day connection with ancient Greece is its philosophy. Without it our modern day techniques like mathematics and medicines and engineering wouldn't be around today. -
500 BCE
8.2 Athens builds and prefects its government system
The choice to change the city's administration framework was not strange in Greece. numerous urban areas attempted distinctive types of government, however individuals weren't fulfilled to see every one of the adjustments in government.There is one city, Athens that can reveal to us a considerable measure about Greece's government. Athens creates a new system for democracy. Votes were written on broken pieces of pottery. The people in running spoke before voting. we can see this in our world now -
500 BCE
Modern day connection Greek government 8.2
Greek government democracy shaped how we vote today. They used pottery pieces and counted up the votes well we vote online and collect votes that way. People in the running almost always give a speech about what they will improve change just like in Greece. because of Greece we have the privilege of having an amazing government system. -
404 BCE
9.2 The beginning of Sparta and Athens
A man named Lycurgus increased military power in Sparta to stop slaves from revolting. Everyday life in Sparta for men and boys were training for the military. All Men and boys must fight. As for women and girls in Sparta they were to stay and take care of things in the houses with the help of slaves to manage the fields. In Athens only rich boys could have education and girls could have none. Athens didn't value military power as much. -
400 BCE
9.4 The Parthenon is built
Greece is known for a lot of things including Many arts, statues and paintings which are know to be very realistic, architecture, and philosophy. Some famous people include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. -
400 BCE
10.2 The start of government and society
After the Plebians complained about Rome’s government system in the 400s BC, Rome’s leaders came together to discuss. They k ew they must do something. Later the The Patricians changed a bit of Rome’s government system. After a while Romans created the idea of Magistrates, Consuls, and the Roman Senate. -
400 BCE
Chapter ten modern day event
Without Rome our government system wouldn’t be as good today. Rome inspired the use of checks and balances and helped form our government system. -
387 BCE
10.3 The late republic
Romans expanded their territory due to outside threats. In about 387 BC a people group called the Gauls attacked Rome. The Romans gave gold to make them leave. Because if this many places outside of Rome came and attacked. Rome defeated them partially because of legions which is basically groups of to 6,000 soldiers. Later on Rome would fight in the Punic wars. An amazing army led by a brilliant general named Hannibal set out to fight Rome. They were never able to capture Rome. -
323 BCE
9.3 Alexander The Great becomes king
Son of Phillip 11 Alexander The Great Helped helped Macedonia so much in terms of smartness and military power. her builds a new empire with great military techniques. Alexander is able to conquer almost everyone he meets and conquers the whole of Persia. Without Alexander Macedonia would not have been the same. -
221 BCE
6.3 start of the Qin dynasty
Was the shortest lasting dynasty. Shi Huangdi. They unified China, he was the first emporer, legalism, better trade, improved a Great Wall of China. Famous for Terra-cotta warriors. -
206 BCE
6.5 Han contacts with other cultures
A lot of farming and manufacturing occurred during the Han dynasty. They created ways for China to have contact with other cultures and civilizations. An example of manufacturing is the silk production because of this today China produces 50% of the silk in our world. China created many trade rounds including the Silk Road which is a 4,000 mile long network or routes all around Asia. China refused to tell the world their secret making silk very expensive. -
206 BCE
Chapter 6.4 the Han Dynasty
When the Qin dynasty collapsed in 297 BC, several different groups fought for power. After many years war an army led by Liu Bang won. Liu Bang became the first emperor to be a peasant or common person. His rule was different from legalism which was very strict he wanted to free people from strict government laws. -
44 BCE
11.1 Disorder in the republic
In the 70s BC Rome became an unorderly place. Chaos spread throughout the city. Politicians and leaders decided to go to war to increase their power and stability. People tried to solve the problem by speeches. One person known for doing this is Cicero. Many generals were working to become leaders of the Republic. The most powerful of these generals was Julius Caesar. We know today he became Caesar of Rome but was sadly assassinated which brought an end to the republic. -
Period: 44 BCE to 1453
Chapter 11
Some important leaders includes Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar. -
1 CE
Modern day connection the Silk Road 6.5
Because of the Silk Road today other cultures are today able to create and sell Silk. Without China we wouldn't have Silk today. -
chapter 11 modern day connection
just like there was a lot of persecution because of religion today there is still persecution that is yet to be resolved. -
11.2 Religious tolerance and conflict arises
Romans generally let the people they captured keep their religion. This resulted in Rome being influenced by many cultures. One of the religions that Rome took hold of is the greek's gods and mythology. They weren't sure which gods existed so they worshipped a wide variety of gods hoping that some would be real. Romans had many clashes with Jews because the Jews did not worship Roman's gods. Jewish people were treated harshly at that time. -
11.3 The end of the empire
New threats came to the empire of Rome because emperors were giving up their territory. Rome began to have to defend themselves from invasions for 200 years at a big cost. problems kept occurring throughout the empire. Rome became too big to govern, and things fell apart from there.