Quarantine measurments

  • Paraguay

    March 9: prepared a special block in hospitals to deal with virus cases
    March 16: health emergency
    April 21: construction of 2 contingency hospitals
    April 24: announcement of border closure
    April 27: suspension of classes until dec.
  • El Salvador

    March 11: all international flights are banned
    April 2: it’s obligatory to wear face masks
    May 10: the presidency published a decree with seven modifications to the stricter quarantine measures
    June 8: El Salvador’s Constitutional Court declared two laws, a cabinet resolution, and 11 executive decrees unconstitutional
  • Bolivia

    March 11: National state of emergency
    March 16: most social activities were suspended
    March 18: No visitors from Europe/Iran were allowed in the country
    March 19: closure of all borders
    March 22: national quarantine was announce
    April 1: isolation camps were set for those returning on the borders
    May 6: created a law to increase the number of doctors working and the purchase of medical equipment
    June 4: close 3 of the country’s 20 ministries
  • Argentina

    March 12: National Health emergency was decreed
    March 17: extended levels of absence for +65 y/o workers
    March 18: the promise to build emergency hospitals
    March 20: social distancing was announce
    April 24: suspended their participation in the Mercosur
    April 27: banned of domestic and international flights
    May 4: resume legislative sessions
    June 7: the start of a new social distancing phase
    June 8: the ease of quarantine restrictions
  • Ecuador

    March 12: suspensions of all classes
    March 14: suspension of events and religious services, restrictions on activities w/more than 30 people, and border crossings limited to six entry point.
    March 15: suspension of citizens’ movements except to buy food, medicine, and basic goods.
    May 4: the country began loosen restrictions, shift from social isolation to social distancing.
    June 1: airports are to reopen to the 30%
    June 3: downgraded to the yellow alert level and began to reopen at 50%
  • Panama

    March 12: state of emergency
    March 19: suspension of international flights
    March 22: obligatory quarantine
    May 10: health and safety guidelines that both the public and private sectors must meet to reopen
    June 1: second phase of reopening
    June 8: another strict quarantine
  • Colombia

    March 13: close of borders with Venezuela
    March 16: close of all borders
    March 17. state of emergency was declared
    April 13: restricting movement by gender
    May 11: some wholesale and retail sectors would reopen
    June 1: Parts of Colombia began to at least partially reopen
  • Guatemala

    March 13: banned flights
    March 14: prohibited events, suspending all schools, prohibiting gatherings,
    March 17: close of all borders, suspended work and events
    March 22: curfew was announced
    April 13: face mask is obligatory
    May 3: reopening process
    May 14: total look down
    May 23: suspension of weekend look down
    June 2: protocols defining the four phases to reopen the country
  • Domeican Republic

    March 16: suspension of flights
    March 20: nationwide curfew
    April 16: masks are mandatory
    May 5: authorities began to intervene in the most affected provinces with the help of the country’s Armed Forces, the National Health Service, the Center for Emergency Operations, and other official entities.
    June 3: phase two of its four-phase reopening plan.
    May 20: micro- and small-sized businesses were able to reopen with up to 50 percent of personnel, medium to large businesses with up to 25 percent.
  • Costa Rica

    March 16: close of schools
    March 16: State of emergency
    March 18: close of all borders
    May 18: restrict foreign cargo
    May 16: vehicle restrictions
    June 1: third phase of reopening went into effect
  • Chile

    March 16: announce phase 4 of the pandemic
    March 18: Close of borders
    March 19: the government’s Action Plan was decreed
    April 8: the use of protective mask are obligatory
    April 17: protocols to reopen public places
    May 13: they reaffirmed quarantine
  • Honduras

    March 16: injected funds into the construction sector, extending credit lines to ensure access to food, and financial support for small business owners.
    March 31: the IMF disbursed $143 million to Honduras to support healthcare and social welfare spending.
    April 2: the Honduran Congress approved a number of economic measures aimed at alleviating the country’s productive sector and supporting workers
  • Cuba

    March 23: Closure of schools
    March 23: travel was suspended
    March 24: tourist may not enter the island
    April 1: the government suspended May Day parade
    April 2: prohib all foreign sea traffic in Cuban waters.
    April 7: phase of “limited local transmission.”
    April 11: most public urban, rural, and intra-municipal transportation will be suspended
    May 12: the Health Ministry published in the government’s official gazette the sanitary and health protocols to follow during the pandemic.
  • Mexico

    March 24: suspension of gatherings .
    March 30: national health emergency, suspension of non-essential activities
    March 31: 100,000 masks, 50,000 test kits, five artificial respirators donated by Chinese government.
    April 20: National Guard members were sent to protect IMSS hospitals attending to COVID-19 cases.
    May 3: method based on hospital occupancy and available beds.
    June 10: the ministry Mexico will hit peak in the coming week but the pandemic will affect parts of the country into Oct
  • Nicaragua

    March 25: Close down of all unofficial entry point of the country
    April 2: Eastern school closure were extended
    April 16: visits to households to verify animation measurements
    April 16: cleansing and disinfection some streets

    July 1: over 30 medical associations in Nicaragua warned that the “exponential increase” in COVID-19 cases in the country has already led to the collapse of both the public and private healthcare systems.
  • Brazil

    March 27: close of borders via air
    April 15: states and municipalities have the autonomy to regulate social distancing measures.
    May 27: São Paulo state and city authorities announced a five-level plan to reopen commercial activity beginning June 1.
    June 11: announce that the Butantan Institute, a government center for scientific study, will partner with Chinese laboratory Sinovac Biotech to develop a COVID-19 vaccine.