Quantitative and Qualitative

  • Auguste Comte

    Auguste Comte
    Methods ofmatural science could be justified in studying social science
  • Jhon Dewey

    Jhon Dewey
    science is not separate and distinct from problem solving
  • Herbert Spencer

    Herbert Spencer
    science is acumulated through the study of phenomena that can be physicaly sensed, observed, and counted
  • 1940´S-1950´S

    empirirical fact gathering and hypothesis testing almost exclusively in studying educational and social phenomena
  • 1960´s

    Skepticism toward the domination of logical positivsm and the evident chasm between human social systems and mathematical logic grew
  • Glaser and Stratuss

    Glaser and Stratuss
    quanlitative data are often coded a posteriori form interpretations of those data
  • Mouly

    only through science we generalize and provide for theory building
  • Michael Patoon

    Michael Patoon
    Between qualitative and quantitative paradigms, there is a continuum of methods
  • Blumer

    emphasizes subjetivity, there is a reality one must attend to