Philosophical Influence
The philosophy mantained a grip on social science. -
Auguste Comte
Genesis of the current qualitative - quantitative debate in educational research with Auguste Comte when he claimed that the methods of natural science could be justified in studying social science. -
John Dewey
Questioned the absolutism of positivism viewing science as not separate and distinct from problem solving. -
Period: to
Qualitative Period
Herbert Spencer
True science accumulated through the study of phenomena that can be physically sensed. -
" Sources of a science of education" by John Dewey
He pointed out that practice should be the ground of our inquiry. -
The quantitative paradigm domination
The quantitative paradigm dominated the social science and the educational research. -
Period: to
Quantitaative Period
The quantitative perspective continued to prevail, a shift began as skepticism toward the domination of logical positivismand the evident chasm between human social systems and mathematical logic grew. -
"The structure of scientific revolutions" by Thomas Kunn
Thomas Kunn explored the shifts in science´s dominant paradigms. -
Glaser and Staruss
Qualitative data are often coded a posteriori from interpretations of those data. -
Mouly asserts that, although there are two ways other than science to know something : experience and reasoning. -
Cook and Reichardt
They talk about integrating qualitative and quantitative methods, they suggest that the reseacher`s method can be separated from the researcher`s worldview. -
Michael Patton
He presents a diagram of what he calls "mixed paradigms" in his book "Qualitative Evaluation Methods". -
Period: to
Qualitative and Quantitative Period
"Educational Researcher" by William Firestone
He differentiates qualitative from quantitative research based on four dimentions: assumptions, puropse, aproach and research role. -
American Educational Research Journal
The editors of the journal announced that particular particular emphasis on qualitative methodology would be forthcoming as they avaluated manuscripts. -
" Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative approaches" by Creswell
He intends to assist the researcher in making decisions about design.
The book is full of examples from both qualitative and quantitative studies. -
The quantitative paradigm continued to reign over social sciences and, according to Culbertson, prevailed in education until the mid 1980's. He points issues as ratial integration, poverty, equal oportunity, schools as tools in global economic competition. -
Personal Conclusion
The researchers have used different methods along the history, in the first period was of qualitative researches, the second period was of quantitative researches, and the third period was of a mix of both.