
Qualitative and Quantitative

  • Qualitative and quantitative

    Qualitative and quantitative
    The philosophy mantained a grip on social science.
  • Auguste Comte

    Auguste Comte
    Genesis of the debate
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Questioned the absolutism of positivism
  • Herbert Spencer

    Herbert Spencer
    True science acomulated through the study of phenoma that can be phisically sensed.
  • Pragmatism

    Sources of science
  • Quantitative paradigm

    Quantitative paradigm
    The quantitative paradigm dominated the social science and the educational research.
  • Quantitative paradigm

    Quantitative paradigm
    The quantitative paradigm dominated the social science and the educational research.
  • Skepticism

    Dominating over logical positivism
  • Glaser and Strauss

    Glaser and Strauss
    Qualitative data are often cooled a posterior from interpretations of these data.
  • Culbertson

    Points issues as racial integration
  • Cook and Reichard

    Cook and Reichard
    The research is method that can be seperated from the world view.
  • Michael Patton

    Michael Patton
    Presents a diagram of what he calls "mixed paradigms" in his book qualitative evaluation methods
  • Creswella

    Intends to assist the researcher in makimg decisions in his book: research design.
  • Thomas Khun

    Thomas Khun
    The structure of scientific revolutions Thomas Khun explored the gifts in sciences dominant paradigms