Murchison 1929 ( Depth 20 km )
Bob white, who was then a pupil at Whale's Flat School remembered a Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake. "we were thrown to the ground, wich was rocking and heaving throgh big like a boat in the water . After a minute, I saw a huge slip hurdiling towords us. I yelled, and we got to our feet and ran away from the big slip and leaving the roof perched on top of the building. " Luckaly we were saved by some poplars and a chestnut tree! -
Aurthur's pass, magnidude 7.1 ( deepth 12 km )
Fallin rocks and slips closed the railway line between Cristurch and the west coast for months. -
Murchison NO.2
Hudge landslides blocked roads and rivers causing flooding and much more. Fourteen people ere killed. -
The Naiper7.8 Earth quake
From their boats in the harbor, sails saw throgh the wind into the city destroying and crumbleing the buldings around them on shore.they were the first people to proveide help. And even brocken gass pipes caused fires around the city. Brocken water pipe made the fires hard to put out. So two hundred and fiffty six peole died. 256 -
The magnitude 7.8 naiper earthquake struck on Ray copland's first day at high school.
"When I came to school, I was lying on the school playground. Blood pourd down from above my right ear, and my ear was deaf.
I was all alone and noone ther to help me and no sounds I turned and saw the assembly hall demoleshed around me. Only a pile of bricks were left of the whole hall. -
1942: Wairarapa, Magnitude 7.2 ( Depth 12km )
The worst damege was in Marsterte's street.REbuilding took a long time beacuse many people ( Men ) were away fightingin the second world war 2. -
1987:Edgecrumble, magnitude 7.1
A huge crack, 7 km long and up to 4 meters wide, appeared along the fault nerby. No one was killed in the earthquake but it was so close to have someone dead. -
2010: Darfield, magnidude 7.1 ( Depth10 km )
This shallow quake caused the stongest shacking ever recorded in New Zealand. In process called LIQUEFACTION!, Layers of wet and soogey sand underground were it all was soggy and wet and yuck! and from there it turned to a muddy liquid that bubbled up and covered many roads and gardens. -
Darfeild, near Cristurch A magnitude 7.1 earthquake woke kieran pine from a sound sleep.
I felt my bed rocking like mad. Dad came in and grabed me then pulled me out of bed and put me under a door frame. I had to hang on to him to stay balenced. Once it was light , I whent scootering around with my mates to see what had hapend. We had a comp for who had the most damege. one person had their fridge fall down and have frozen pies allover the kitchen floor. -
2011: Cristurch, Magnitude 6.3 ( depth 5 km )
The city was extensively damaged. One hundred and eighty five people were killed and sevral thousand were injured. This was the fourth time the spire of cristurch cathedral had been badly dameged in an earthqauke. -
2011: Derfield, magnidute 7.1 ( Depth 10 km )
This is shallow quake caused strongest shaking ever recorded in New Zealand. In a progress caled LIQUEFACTION! layers of wet soggey snad and stil underground so now it is turned into a muddy liquid that bubbled up and covered many roads and gardes.