Planning- Prelim
This is our first stage of planning when we were doing our prelim, this storyboard was a rough yet final production. This wasn't done to good quality as the images and writing was rushed however, we didn't need to make it very detailed etc. -
Mise Scene Screne, props- Prelim
The prop in my prelim was a suitcase, this prop was given to us by our teacher, we had to use this prop and it was provided by the media department as well. Throughout the whole prelim the suitcase was always being held, this added more curiousity for the audience, "whats in the suitcase..?". When the suitcase was being opened it was almost like s cliff hanger as the audience didn't get to seee what was instead it. -
Panning- Prelim
In our prelim, we used camera skills such as panning, this was very shakey as we used a figrid instead of a tipod which reflected how unsteady our hands were when filming. This was a panning of me going up the stairs to build up intensity. -
Framing- Prelim
The framing in my prelim was a little bit too low, as our heads were quite low in the shot, there is quite a bit of space. This was because we was unaware that there should be a specific amount of space is needed from our head to the top of the frame. -
Extreme close up- Prelim
This was suppoe to be a close up, however it looks more like a mid shot, which wasn't the aim. This wasn't done currectly as the action thats happening is in the cinema, but not right in the middle, therefore it doesn't add ephasis on the hand shake which was quite important. -
Match cut- Prelim
Sound- Prelim
In my prelim, we used dialogue as we had to show the audience what was taking place. This did make it look a little low budget as oour acting skills were not the best. -
Planning Title Sequence
This is our official sotryboard when planning our title sequence, this was better than the storyboard from my prelim as this was animated and not hand drawn like the draft. This was a final piece which was well presented and can be easily understood. -
Mise scene scene, props- Title Sequence
One of the props used in our title sequence was prescirbed medication. This was shown throughout the sequence as well, to add emphasis on the fact that the woman has a condition and is ill. This gives a slight backgrounf on the women without actually showing a full story of what has hpapened to her etc. -
Framing- Title Sequence
This is our framing in our title sequence, it was improved from my prelim as i understood that there shouldnt be a lot of head space. This enabled our title sequence to look more professional. -
Extreme close up- Title Sequence
This extreme close up was done currectly, as the eyes which was the mian thing is shwon right in the centre as is the only thing in the shot, it adds emphasis, therefore the audience knows that this is an important part in the sequencee or they feel more tension and suspense. This highlights the genre of our sequence which is thriller. -
Panning- Title Sequence
This is our panning in our title sequence, this was done very well, it has improved since my prelim. This is because instead of doing it free handed or with a figrid, we chose to do it with a tripod, and just adjusted the camera up. This added a better emphasis and created a more of a suspense feeling. -
Sound- Title Sequence
The sound used in our title sequence was a voice over, instead of dialogue like in my prelim, this is because dialogue in our title sequence would be hard to make it look professional. Therefore, i decided to add a voice over to help the audience understand the sequence more. This is one my layers of sound out of the other 3 -
Teamwork- Title Sequence
On our final day of editing, we had to work together inorder to finish our title sequence to the best of our ability. We all had different things to do, this enabled us to get everything done on time and no one was left out. For example, Jemima done the titles, Adriana done the organising, and Anita done the main ediitng.