Pythagoras 7


  • 3500 BCE

    Gods and Goodesses

    Gods and Goodesses
    The most important charecteristic of the Greek gods and godesses are the powers.They live on mount Olympous .
  • 3500 BCE

    Heroin and Hero

    Heroin and Hero
    The Greek favorite hero are Taseo, he's caracteristic for its strength. The Greek most faumos heroin are Penélope, she's is a character of Odissea.
  • 1838 BCE

    The school

    The school
    Pythagoras opened a school in 1838 bc. The name of the school was Bythgoarm school. In his school Pythagoras acepted womens. Theano was a wown who ruled the Pythagoras shed. Theano was the first mathematic women .
  • 800 BCE

    Archaic period

    Archaic period
    Los Griegos eran muy buenos en literatura,politica,ciencia y mates
  • 775 BCE

    The womens

    The womens
    In Esparta women enjoyed eguality before the man the forced man .
  • Period: 570 BCE to 495 BCE


    pitagoras nacio en Samos en Grecia, en el año 570 ac y murio en Grecia en el año 495 ac
  • 538 BCE


    He returned to Samos in 538 BC and left Samos and went south of Itaia.
  • 535 BCE


    Pythagoras viajo por todo el mundo, en el 535 ac viajo a Egipto, esto sucedio despues de que Policrates se hiciera con el control de Samos.
  • 510 BCE

    Pitahgora's travels

    Pitahgora's travels
    He probably traveled extensively as a young man, leaving his island of Samos for Egypt, Africa, and other parts surrounded by the Mediterranean, and he travel throught Italy.
  • 500 BCE


    Pythagoras discovered the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The theorem of Pythagoras states that the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs.
  • 323 BCE

    Clasical period

    Clasical period
    los Griegos eran muy buenos en literatura,politica,ciencia y mates
  • 220 BCE

    Teatro Griego

    Teatro Griego
    el teatro griego es una cultura que florecio en el 220 ac y en el 550 ac
  • 146

    Hellenestic period

    Hellenestic period
    los Griegos eran muy buenos en literatura,politica,ciencia y mates
  • 495


    Only men who had vote completed their military.
    I could only vote men.
  • 520


    En el 520 ac pitagoras abandono bavilonia
  • 599

    Democracy in the Ancient Greece

    Democracy in the Ancient Greece
    Democracy is system gournament. Democracy in the Ancient Greece was very direct.
  • 776

    The Olimpyc Games

    The Olimpyc Games
    The olimpyc games celebrated in 776 BC they are held every 6 years accepted womans.