Historical treasures

  • 3001 BCE

    Stonehenge , UK

    Stonehenge , UK
    It is located in UK . Two types of stone are used at Stonehenge: the larger sarsens, and the smaller bluestones. There are 83 stones in total.Stonehenge may have been built as a symbol of "peace and unity"
  • 2560 BCE

    Pyramids at Giza,Egypt

    Pyramids at Giza,Egypt
    It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is the only surviving structure out of the famed seven wonders of the ancient world.It is known as Great Pyramid .
  • 447 BCE

    Parthenon , Greece

    Parthenon , Greece
    The Parthenon have been a temple , a church and a mosque . The rocky ground is very slippery. The columns are made of marble and the base is made of limestone. Each side of the Parthenon shares a story with hand carved statues.
  • 400 BCE

    Petra , Jordan

    Petra , Jordan
    This is one of the Petra's amazing architecture, It is the most popular monument. It is estimated to be over 2,000 years.
  • 221 BCE

    Great Wall of China

    Great Wall of China
    The Great Wall of China is made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials,It was built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the attackers who attacked China
  • 115 BCE

    Angkor Wat , Cambodia

    Angkor Wat , Cambodia
    It is located in Cambodia . many of international tourists visit Cambodia to see this religious monument. Angkor Wat was built without the aid of any machinery.The name Angkor Wat means ‘a city of temples’. It is Originally built for the Hindu religion.
  • 70

    Coliseum, Italy

    Coliseum, Italy
    It is Made from stone and concrete, this monument was built with the man power of tens of thousands slaves.This building had 80 entrances and could seat approximately 50,000 people who would come to watch sporting events and games.
  • 600

    Tikal , Guatemala

    Tikal , Guatemala
    t’s located deep in the Guatemalan rainforest . The buildings of Tikal are made from limestone and include the remains of royal palaces, houses, administrative buildings, platforms and inscribed stone monuments.
  • 1450

    Machu Picchu , Peru

    Machu Picchu , Peru
    many people believe that Machu Picchu was constructed as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti. Often called as the "Lost City of the Incas" . Machu Picchu is made up of more than 150 buildings like baths ,houses , temples and sanctuaries.
  • Golden Temple , Amritsar

    Golden Temple , Amritsar
    The Golden Temple is known as Harmandir . It is located in the Amritsar, Punjab. Shri Darbar Shaib is the holiest place . Harmandir Sahib is one of the most sacred places in India, a Holy Granth Sahib is always present inside the temple. The entire top of the temple is made of pure gold . It was built by Arjan dev ji, the fifth Sikh Guru.
  • Taj Mahal , India

    Taj Mahal , India
    It is located in Agra . It was built in the memory of her wife Mumtaz Mahal . Taj Mahal is a famous Indian landmark and tourist magnet, attracting more than a million tourists every year.The materials that were used to build Taj Mahal were transported to the construction site by 1,000 elephants.