Pursuit of Perfection in the 20th Century

  • Sterilization in Indiana

    In 1907 sterilization of "unfits" began in Indiana.
  • First International Congress of Eugenics

  • Rise of Anti-Semitism in America

    Anti-Semitism saw a sharp increase in print during this time period. Furthermore, around this period the American concept of "fit" and "unfit" people began to gain widespread support.
  • Virginia Act to Preserve Racial Integrity

  • Human Betterment Foundation founded in California

    An organization that advocated for sterilization and lead to the sterilization of thousands.
  • Japanese invade Manchuria

    The Japanese invasion of Manchuria was justified by the Japanese by their belief of superiority of the Chinese people. As racial sciecnes expanded during this time period, the idea of racial superiority expanded as well.
  • Hitler Etablishes First Anti-Jewsish Legislation

    For the first time in the modern western world, legislation was passed that actively discriminated against Jews.
  • 31 states Apporoved Eugenic Sterilzation Laws

    The 31st and last state to approve Eugenic sterilization was South Carolina.
  • 10,000,000 lives Claimed by Holocaust in hopes of "Purification"

    The end of WWII marked the end of concentration camps and the systematic genocide that dominated Europe for nearly a decade.
  • All Eugenic Sterilization laws Banned