
Pure Soul Coffee Co

  • Period: to

    2 month coupon roll out

  • Period: to

    Weekly 50/50 Raffle

    Each week there will be a 50/50 raffle you must be present to win. This will allow us to build up traffic coming into our store rather than the drive-through. It will also improve the image of the restaurant because it makes it appear we are giving out free money weekly
  • Regular Coupon Rollout

    Regular Coupon Rollout
    The coupons will offer to buy one get one free drink over three dollars in hopes someone will introduce another person to my shop because they are getting a free drink. I would distribute these coupons via direct mailing because I can target a specific geographic area and income level.
  • Coupon Plan

    Coupon Plan
    The coupon plan will consist of a variety of punch cards that can be returned for certain items from the shop. Certain cards will be redeemable for coffee or food items. Will role this out one week after the BOGO to help lock in the new customers
  • Live Music Every Friday night

    Live Music Every Friday night
    We will host live music every Friday night. Live music will draw a larger sized crowd causing others to want to join in. Also, we can draw people to our business that may have never heard of us before but want to hear the band. This will begin one month into our plan and continue until the very end
  • Free Samples

    Free Samples
    We will offer samples of our gourmet drinks in order to upsell our customers. We will offer a free sample of a drink to those coming through the drive-through and those coming into the store. This will begin at the start of our final month in hopes of upselling our new loyal customers