
Pure Soul Promotional Plan

  • coupons

    on this date I will send out a coupon for allows the customer to get one free drink of any kind on our menu and a coupon that allows them to get 50% off on any other item that we sell. the reason i would send it out in the mail is so everyone would get it. and I feel my target market would read the mail and look for good deals
  • Period: to


  • coupon plans

    coupon plans
    The reason i chose this type of plan is because i feel that it will get to the most people and who doesn't like free food so i feel that it would bring in a lot of people.
  • incentives

    we will have a raffle and provide a few products that they can win (new flatscreen, and some of our mugs and shirts in the store, and maybe some giftcards to some stores, give away some free food and beverages to our store.)
  • traffic builder

    traffic builder
    we will offer a rewards member card that allows the customer to get free things if they shop at the coffee shop a lot. i feel that people will love having a reward member card because people love to get free things and the only way that they could receive the free stuff is if they earn enough points and the only way to do that is to be a regular customer in the store.
  • product samples

    product samples
    well we will have product samples in the store of course and i feel that another great place for product samples would be at the local high school because i feel that a majority of our customers will be students before school. i will also place product samples at the nearest gas stations because everyone has to get gas and i feel that would be the best place for a product sample booth.