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Pure Soul Promotional Plan - Emily Schultz

  • Incentive

    The first promotional plan is an incentive, more specifically, a contest. The contest offers participants a chance to throw a half-court basketball shot at a local gym. Anyone who can make the shot receives the chance for their name to be entered in a drawing to win a trip to Hollywood, CA. If only one person makes the shot, that person wins the trip. This will increase the image of the restaurant because more people will be drawn to Pure Soul to enter the contest.
  • Period: to

    Pure Soul

  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    After the basketball contest, a traffic builder will be provided on October 28 - 30. This traffic builder will be a free cup of coffee for anyone who comes into the store before 9am on the dates listed. This strategy was selected because it not only encourages more people to come to Pure Soul, but it also gives new customers the chance to try the product for free. This will increase the image of the restaurant because it will encourage people to come back, especially if they like the product.
  • Coupon Plan

    Coupon Plan
    After the contest and the traffic builder, a coupon plan will be offered. By now the customers will hopefully be coming more often because of the last 2 promotions, which is why this strategy will be used. This coupon plan is a punch card in which you receive a punch every time you purchase something from the store. After you receive 10 punches, you get 1 free cup of coffee. It'll increase the image of the restaurant because it will encourage customers to come back and increase customer loyalty.