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Pure Soul Promotional Plan- Dillan Wicklund

  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    There will be free large coffee to the first 250 people that show up. I chose this promotion because it will hopefully draw people back the cafe with free coffee. It will increase the image because when the first 250 people with free coffee see that its safe to drink again they will spread it to there friends and family
  • Coupons

    The coupons will 35% of any drink offered in the cafe, they can only be used once and wont expire. They will be distributed through magizines and newspapers also customers will be able to print them off from our website. This will increase the image by showing people we are confident in our coffee products again and that you will enjoy them
  • coupon plan

    coupon plan
    The coupon plan will be a punch card and after the 9th cup the tenth cup will be free. I chose this strategy to be the last one because by now people will start to trust the coffe now and they will be able on the front counter, This will increase the image by bring people back to the store and when people see its busy they will think its good and will want to come