
Pure Soul Promotional Plan-Brock Ellerson

  • Incentive 10 Free Coffees

    Incentive 10 Free Coffees
    People that come in on the weekends they can enter in a sweepstake if they by a coffee the winner gets 10 free coffees any time. They can get any type of coffee and this will bring people in.
  • Coupon 25% Off

    Coupon 25% Off
    The coupon will be 25% off and a one time use and it can be used on any item that we would offer at the shop and at anytime. The easiest way to distribute this coupon would be online.
  • First 25 People free Breakfast.

    First 25 People free Breakfast.
    If people buy a coffee on the weekend the first 25 people in the morning they will get a free breakfast sandwich of their choice and this will bring people in to buy our product.
  • Samples Outside of Shop

    Samples Outside of Shop
    Outside of our shop we will give a sample of a new coffee that we would make that will be a seasonal thing. This way if people like it they can come in and spend money on our product and they will buy it. This will make the restaurant look good coming out with new products.