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Pure Soul Promotional Plan - AJ Makinen

  • Coupon

    "Any cold cut sandwich is 50% off with the purchase of a cup of coffee." Valid until the end of the month. This is at the start of the month because we mail these out to raise awareness for our great restaurant.
  • Sweepstakes Incentive

    Sweepstakes Incentive
    "Want a free Amazon Kindle? Just buy a large cup of coffee and your name gets put into a drawing at the end of the month. We want to introduce this towards the beginning of the month to maximize the number of customers that get their names in contention for the prize.
  • Coupon Plan

    Coupon Plan
    We will introduce our special pastry coupon plan (buy 10 pastry items and then get the 11th pastry item free) on November 11. This will bring awareness to our delicious pastry options, and we try to be clever by introducing this 11th item coupon plan on the 11th of the month.
  • Sandwich Sample

    Sandwich Sample
    After a bunch of promotions are introduced in the beginning of the month, we wait a week to bring out the next one. We want our customers to get free samples of our top sandwich, the Reuben, so our image will improve (they know we have great food options), and it will create a better atmosphere in the cafe.
  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    On the 25th of the month, the first 25 customers into the restaurant will receive a free cookie. Since it is the end of the month, we hope to be well-known around the city already and giving out free products will only brighten our image.