Pure Sol Promotional Plan-Novakovich

  • Coupon Distribution

    The coupons will range from 20% of a purchase at the coffee shop to up to 70% off. The coupons will be distributed to the customers after they make a purchase without a coupon(they will be handed a coupon in the shop).
  • New Year Seasonal Keychain Event!

    The traffic builder that will be used is keychains that will be given out on national coffee day which is September 29th. I selected this form of promotional strategy because people that come for a quick coffee or are in a rush to leave the shop would appreciate a keychain to place on their keys on the go with them.
  • Coupon Plan for Loyal Customers

    The coupon plans given will be given to customers that have a card with the shop and come in frequently to buy their coffee. I selected this form of promotional strategy because as people become card holders with the shop they will get better coupons, bringing in more customers and more money for the shop.
  • Sampling

    Small, free samples of our top coffee brews and most popular food items will be distributed at local grocery stores to draw awareness to our shop.
  • Enter Our Sweepstakes!

    There will be a sweepstakes inside the store where after a purchase of at least two coffees is made, the customers name will be placed into a contest for a $100 gift card to the coffee shop.