Punic Wars Timeline

  • Period: 100 to 300

    Punic Wars Timeline

  • 146

    146 BC , The walls of Carthage were breached and the starving defenders lead by M. or C. Vetilius were slaughtered. The city was burned to the ground and its civilians were sold into slavery.

  • 200

    The First Punic War (264-241 BC)

  • 202

    202 BC, Battle of Zama-After a failed elephant charge, Hannibal's army is completely defeated. Carthage surrenders. Rome requires the Carthaginians to give up Spain, the islands, North Africa, her navy, and her army.

  • 204

    204 BC, P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus lands troops in Africa.

  • 205

    215-205 BC, Macedonia becomes allied with Carthage. First Macedonian War begins.

  • 206

    206 BC, Battle of Ilipa- Scipio Africanus defeats the Carthaginians commanded by Mago Barca and Hasdrubal Gisgo in Spain.

  • 207

    207 BC, Hasdrubal Barca crosses the Alps into Italy. Hannibal marches north to meet him. Before they could join, Hasdrubal's army is stoppped at the Metaurus River and is defeated by the romans under M.Livius Salinator and C.Claudius Nero. Hasdrubal is ki

  • 210

    210 BC, Battle of Herdonia- Hannibal destroys two Roman consular armies (roughly 3 legions each) At the Battle of Numistro the Romans are defeated again.

  • 214

    214 BC, Third Battle of Nora results in a stalemate

  • 149BC, Carthage had recovered economically from the penalties placed on her. Jealous of this, the Roman senate decided that Carthage had broken the reaty and the third Punic War was declared. A descendant of Scipio Africanus, Scipio Aemilianus blockades C

  • 219 BC, Hannibal, Hamilcar's son, lays siege to the Spanish city of Saguntum. The city was a greek colony allied to Rome. This sparks the Second Punic War. Legions are sent to deal with Hannibal, but the Carthaginians escape.