The beginning of a new educational system
Tapia Theater serves as scenario for the first Assembly after the America occupation. One of the most important topics discussed were the dissolution of the Spanish Provincial Board for Public Education which would be substituted by the establishment of the Bureau of Education. -
New govrnment; A new form of Education
Former comissioner of Education Dr. John Eaton is named to take charge of Puerto Rico's educational change. Dr.Victor Clark, Eaton's assistnat, establishes in his report teachers neeed to learn English. He also points out the lack of a pure spanish idiom therefore he believed it would be as easy to teach in English. -
Period: to
The Deparment of Public Instruction is created
Some dramatical changes experienced during this period were: Spanish was used to teach all subjects and English was taught as aspecial subject in elementary school. English was usedto teach all subjects and Spanish was taught as a special subject.
Special emphasis was given to teach students the american culture from saluting the flag to celebrating the birth of american patriots. -
Period: to
The use of the English language expands in schools of PR
The use of the English language is raised in the schools of Puerto Rico with the intention of makingit the oficial language used in schools. -
Training Teacher in the US
540 teachers are sent to the US to study in the University of Cornell and Harvard during the summer of of 1904 -
Period: to
English Only in Puerto Rican Schools
Teachers are forced to receive courses to learn English. Teachers who speak English raregive 10 dollars extrain their monthly salary. Teachersareforceto takeatest in English yearly; teachers who don't passtwoyearsin a row loss their licence. Policiesare are very stricted. -
Teachers Protest against English Only
Teachers condenmed the EnglishOnly policy as a threat to the Puerto Rican identity. -
Spanishis used once again in schools in Puerto Rico
Health, Personal Higiene and Reading were taught in Spanish once again in first grade. -
1915 Bill Spanish as the vehicle for teaching
A bill is presented to make the spanish language the official language for teaching in Puerto Rico. -
Period: to
Spanishis used onceagain as thelanguage for teaching
Spanish isused as themeansofteachingfirst to fourth grade. From fifth grade through twelfth grade subjectsaretaught half in English andthe other halfin Spanish. -
Period: to
Education in PR and the recession after the First World War
After the First World War Puerto Rico experiences a difficult era for the economical,social and educational aspects. Immediately the Spanish language in the Island was mention asone of the negativefactorsfor this issue . Independently, Dr.José Padín, Comissioner of Education in Puerto Rico,asanintectual andnotapoliticien made the distinction that English was a foreign anguage andhad tobetaugh as a second language.. -
1936 The President of the US Complains
In 1936 Dr.Pádín resigns as the Commissioner of Instructions. José M. Gallard is named to ocuppy the position with a great responsability. The Presindent ofthe US complains because after 38 years ofthe american ocupation Puerto Ricans still did not speak English as their native tongue. -
Period: to
1936-1942 Gallardo fails.
Trying to impose once again the English language as the means to instruction he faces a strong public opposition. The English language is viewed as assimilation and reducing the use of the English language is viewed as anti-americanism.Gallardo is tried to implement a bilingual program but the constant protest did not permit such program. -
Period: to
The debate continues
Spanish is used to teach all subject up to sixth grade and English is taught as a special subject.English is used to teachal subjects from seventh through twelfth grade and Spanishis taught asaspecial subject. -
The use of the Spanish language is expanded in school
Spanish is used for teaching from first through nineth grade. -
Dr.Mariano Villaronga ends the debate
The new Commissionar of Instruction decrets the use of the Spanish language as the oficial language for teaching fromfirst to twelfth grade. -
Bilingual Education Law
President Johnson sings the law for Biligual Education -
Period: to
Two Bilingual Schools are Established in Puerto Rico
Padre Rufo and Papa Juan Pablo XXIII -
Lau versus Nichols creates a boom in Bilingual Education in PR
Under the Popular Democratic Party admimistration bilingual education is established as aprogran in the Department of Education. -
Period: to
The Bilingual Program isTransfered to The Engligh Department as a Proyect
Under the New Progresive Party. -
The purpose of Bilingual Education in the Island
The Department of Educations receives funds to attended students that are returning fron the US Four new proyects are aproved with federal funds for this matter. Under the Popular Democratic Party. -
The Bilingual Program becomes autonomous
The new Secretaryof Education names a Director to head the Bilingual Program. -
Project for the development of the Bilingual Citizen
This project seeks to create a nurturing evironment that engages students in the need of learning the two languages.No languageismoreimportant than the other and biculturation is promoted through different expressions of arts. -
The begining of Bilingual Eduacation for the 21st Centuary Proyect
Teachers are selectedto complete a Bilingual Certificates to become highly qualified for the Proyect, Math andScienceareto be taught in English while social studies isto betaught in Spanish