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Puerto Rico's History

  • Jan 1, 1493

    The Claiming of Puerto Rico

    The Claiming of Puerto Rico
    Christopher Columbas claimed Puerto Rico for Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Settlement Begins

    Settlement Begins
    The settlement of PUerto Rico begins and Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon arrives.
  • Battle of San Juan

    Battle of San Juan
    The Dutch attack Puerto Rico
  • Puerto Rico given to Spanish

    Puerto Rico given to Spanish
    Under the Treaty of Paris, Puerto Rico is given to the Spanish by the U.S at the end of the Spanish-American War
  • Control Over Puerto Rico

    Control Over Puerto Rico
    The Foraker Act allow the U.S Congress to institude civil governement in Puerto Rico. Also this allows the U.S to maintain specific contol over the island
  • Jones Act

    Jones Act
    The Jones Act granted U.S citizenship to Puerto Ricans.
  • U.S Chooses

    U.S Chooses
    The U.S chooses Jesus T. Pinero as Puerto Rico's first governer
  • Partial Self-Governmet

    Partial Self-Governmet
    This allowed Puerto Ricans to ellect their own governer.
  • 1st Elected Governer

    1st Elected Governer
    Goverer Munoz Marin was elected by the people and her served four terms; from 1948 until earlt 1965
  • Commonwealth Bill

    Commonwealth Bill
    Then president of the U.S, President Harry S. Truman signed the Puerto Rico Commomwealth Bill, which paved the way for the Puerto Rican Constitution.
  • Puerto Rico's Constitution

    Puerto Rico's Constitution
    Puerto Rico's constitution is proclaimed. This established a commonwealth with automony in internal affairs.
  • Natural Disaster

    Natural Disaster
    A landslide in Ponce kills 129 people.
  • Esponol y Ingles

    Esponol y Ingles
    In 1993 English and Spanish became the official languages of Puerto Rico.

    President Clinton declared Puerto Rico a danger zone
  • 1st Female

    1st Female
    The first female goverer, Sila Calderon, was elected.
  • Voting Rights

    Voting Rights
    U.S Congress allows Puerto Ricans to have the right to vote in presidential elections.
  • Uh Oh...

    Uh Oh...
    Dozens of Puerto Rican police are held on drugs charges following the biggest police graft probe in FBI history.