Teaching all subjects in the Public Schools in English
Brumbaugh- commissioner of Education established the instruction in english for secondary schools only
It was granted official status to both, English and Spanish
Commissioner of Education Jose Padin required all subjects taught in Spanish
Assimilation policy appeared again with President Roosevelt instituting the English language in all grades
Policy changes with Winthrops policy of English language instruction in secondary schools
Luis Munoz Marin governor of Puerto Rico established Spanish as the language of instruction in all grades.
Law where bilingual Puerto ricans were trained to teach English
Two Bilingual projects: Padre Rufo and Papa Juan XXIII schools
Bilingual education becomes part of the Department of English in the Department of Education
"Spanish Only" approved by the Popular Party.
Revoked "Spanish Only" legislation and established English and Spanish as official languages in Puerto Rico.
Immersion english Programs in Puerto Rico:" Project to create a bilingual Citizen"
Immersion English Programs in Puerto Rico: " Project to Create a bilingual Citizen" -
At present twelve schools are preparing bilingual children teaching Science, Math,\ in English. students take an English and a Spanish class, Social Studies in Spanish