
Puerto Rico Language Policy

  • First change in PR's language policy (1898-1900)

    First change in PR's language policy (1898-1900)
    Introduces teaching all subjects in English in public schools. Establishes that teachers in Puerto Rico must learn English.
  • The Department of Public Instruction is created (1900-1902)

    The Department of Public Instruction is created (1900-1902)
    Maintains Spanish Instruction and adds English language learning.
  • Teachers training in the US (1902-1904)

    Teachers training in the US (1902-1904)
    Increases the use of English in schools with the idea of turning it the official language of schools in PR.
  • English Instruction (1905-1913)

    English Instruction  (1905-1913)
    English is used as the medium of instruction at all levels of the school system
  • Spanish for some 1st grade classes

    Spanish for some 1st grade classes
    The use of Spanish is introduced in first grade for the classes of reading, hygiene and health.
  • Language bill proposed

    Language bill proposed
    Intends to make the teaching of Spanish compulsory and the use of Spanish in the judicial system.
  • Spanish learning (1916-1934)

    Spanish learning (1916-1934)
    Spanish as the vehicle of education from first to fourth grades, English in half the classes from fifth grade to high school.
  • WW I and post war period (1917-1936)

    WW I and post war period  (1917-1936)
    Controversy between languages and politics represented by Miller (Pro-English) and Jose de Diego (Pro-Spanish). Puerto Ricans obtain American citizenship.
  • Juan B. Huyke Period (1921-1930)

    Juan B. Huyke  Period (1921-1930)
    New Commissioner of Education. More emphasis on the use of English The publication of school materials in Spanish are prohibited.
  • Dr. Jose Padin Period

    Dr. Jose Padin Period
    Difficult times in the social, economic and educational arenas.
    Padin was the first to consider English as a foreign language and fight to impose Spanish as the medium of instruction. English was studied as a second language.
  • Jose M. Gallardo Period

    Jose M. Gallardo Period
    As Commissioner of Education, he tried to implement a bilingual program but there were many protests against it.
  • Spanish Language prevalence

    Spanish Language prevalence
    Spanish education up to sixth grade, English as a subject.
  • Dr. Mariano Villaronga Period

    Dr. Mariano Villaronga Period
    He puts an end to the bilingualism debate by decreeing the teaching of Spanish in all grades.
  • Funds for Bilingual Education

    Funds for Bilingual Education
    The Department of Education and some universities request funds for bilingual needs of students returning from the United States.
  • PPD Rafael Hernandez Colon Period

    PPD  Rafael Hernandez Colon Period
    Implanted a bilingual project bilingual in Padre Rufo and Juan XXIII schools. Bilingual Certification Act is signed.
  • Bilingual project

    Bilingual project
    United States Congress authorizes bilingual projects focused on those students who return to PR from the US.
  • PNP Carlos Romero Barceló Period (1980-1984)

    PNP  Carlos Romero Barceló Period (1980-1984)
    Bilingual education is not considered a "Program"
  • PPD Rafael Hernández Colón Period (1988-1992)

    PPD  Rafael Hernández Colón Period (1988-1992)
    Three universities are assigned English as a Second Language projects.
  • José Arsenio Torres (Secretary of Education)

    José Arsenio Torres (Secretary of Education)
    Bilingual education projects are again autonomous. A Director is appointed to lead bilingual education programs.
  • Bilingual Education Program

    Bilingual Education Program
    English immersion program make their way into Puerto Rican schools under the project to create a bilingual citizen.
  • Bilingual Education in 21st Century Schools

    Bilingual Education in 21st Century Schools
    Some public's schools in Puerto Rico offer a bilingual curriculum. Schools are being remodeled and teachers trained in bilingual education.