School building

Public Education Historical Timeline

By fen723
  • Benjamin Franklin Founded First Public Library in America

    Benjamin Franklin Founded First Public Library in America
    Public libraries provide all children, regardless of their background, with access to books. Books allow children to explore creativity, gain information, and develop literacy skills.
  • National Education Association Established School Curriculum

    National Education Association Established School Curriculum
    Children benefit developmentally from being separated by elementary education and secondary education. The option of having electives allows children to have classes they enjoy and that relate to their personal interests.
  • Founding of American Federation of Teachers

    Founding of American Federation of Teachers
    Teaching being recognized as a profession allows teachers to create social improvements through education and encourages teachers to feel appreciated and perform better. Children benefit from teachers who enjoy their work and care about the children as individuals.
  • The Open Classroom

    The Open Classroom
    Children benefit from having each class focus on one subject at a time and being in smaller classes so they can have more personal attention. Children also benefit from being able to go outdoors to learn and going on field trips because it provides them with a way to experience the information first-hand and through various senses.
  • Character Education

    Character Education
    It is important for children to learn how to be good people, not just learn basic subjects like math and science. Children need to know and practice the values of respect, responsibility, honesty, integrity, discipline, perseverance, compassion, and citizenship to develop as positive members of society.