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PTSD Treatment and Social View
Boscario, Joseph A., “ Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mortality Among U.S. Army Veterans30 Years After Military Service” Annals of Epidemiology, Volume 16, New York,Elsevier(2006)
Research was done by Dr.Boscario on Vietnam theatre veterans suffering diagnosed with PTSD. The research led to the conclusion that PTSD had a direct connection to future ailments. -
Rosenheck, Robert A., and Alan F. Fontana. "Recent Trends In VA Treatment Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And Other Mental Disorders." Health Affairs 26.6 (2007): 1720-1727. Academic Search Premier
Rosenheck demonstrates the importance the VA has placed on the research and treatment of PTSD. This brings a new light to the medical standpoint on the disorder. -
Marmar, Charles R. "Mental Health Impact Of Afghanistan And Iraq Deployment: Meeting The Challenge Of A New Generation Of Veterans." Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269) 26.6 (2009): 493-497. Academic Search Premier.
The research done here laid out a numercial representation of the amount of veterans seeking help for PTSD after the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. It also detailed the negativities of being diagnosed with the condition,from a social point of view. -
In this research the negative view veterans have on PTSD can be seen more clearly. It explains the negative ideas given upon the disorder from society and how that affects the efforts of these veterans seeking help. It also demonstrates the medical advancement performed in by researchers, finding new ways to approach the treatment of these patients alongside civilian counterparts. -
Haagen, Joris F.G., et al. "The Efficacy Of Recommended Treatments For Veterans With PTSD: A Metaregression Analysis." Clinical Psychology Review 40.(2015): 184-194. Academic Search Premier.
The approach taken in this research exemplifies the great leap that has been reached from a medical standpoint in treating PTSD. The use of EMDR to treat ptsd showed positive improvements to approach and treat the condition. -
Campbell, Robyn, and Shelley A. Riggs. "The Role Of Psychological Symptomatology And Social Support In The Academic Adjustment Of Previously Deployed Student Veterans." Journal Of American College Health 63.7 (2015): 473-481. Academic Search Premier.
This source shows how far veterans have come, from the early 2000's. Their view of ptsd is slowly becoming less negative and veterans are overcoming past negativities. A big part of this is the social view of ptsd becoming more positive as well. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD are no longer sulking but rather improving their mental ability.