Period: to
Childhood - Physical Development
How often did you get exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
During my childhood I exercised quite often, I spent most of my free time playing outside. I also played many sports like baseball, football, soccer, and gymnastics. As well as having PE everyday throughout elementary school -
October 7th, 1998
I was birthed -
Infancy - Physical Development
When did you start walking?
According to my mom I started walking at 11 months -
Infancy - Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept of Piaget.
Sensorimotor Stage: When I was an infant my parents would play the classic game "peak-a-boo" with me. But by the time I was 2 years old, the game no longer had an affect on me. This is because I developed object permanence. -
Infancy - Emotional Development
What was your temperament as an infant?
According to my mom I was an easy or flexible temperamental infant. -
Infancy - Emotional Development
Were you securely or insecurely attached to your primary caregiver?
I was a very securely attached infant according to my parents. -
Childhood - Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept of Piaget.
Preoperational: This is when conversation is developed. When I was a child my parents told me I could have a conversation with just about anyone. My dad told me that when I was about 4 years old, I had an hour long conversation with the security guard at his office. -
Period: to
Early Childhood - Cognitive Development
What sort of interested did you have a young child?
I was told by my parents that when I was a young child, one of my favorite things to do was to make a drum kit out of an assortment of pots, pans, bowls, Tupperware, etc. and "play the drums" using wooden spoons. -
Early Childhood - Emotional Development
How did friends/family describe you as a child? Was it the same or different as your temperament?
I have always been told I was the most laid back, chill baby and child in my family. I was a sort of a go-with-the-flow type personality throughout infancy and childhood. Which matches my temperament as an infant. -
Early Childhood - Cognitive Development
What is one way you remember your parents and/or a teacher acting in a way that you know helped your language acquisition?
When I was about 6 years old, I couldn't pronounce the word "message" correctly. it sounded more like "meshage". But one day I was determined to pronounce it correctly, so I made my mom repeat the word over and over again until I finally pronounced it correctly. -
Period: to
Adolescents - Physical Develpoment
How often did you get exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
During my adolescents I did get exercise during PE everyday, and I did play some sports like basketball. But by this time I wasn't playing outside and enjoying exercise as much as I was in my childhood. -
Adolescents - Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept of Piaget.
Formal Operational: When I was 10 years old I entered a science fair in the programming category. I programmed my own memory game for a computer. Programming a games takes many hours of trial-and-error problem-solving, which develops in this stage. I won first place in my category. -
Adolescents - Emotional Development
How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescents?
My most important relationships in adolescents were with my two best friends. Friendship, according to Sternberg, is just intimacy or liking. No long term commitments or passion. -
Adolescents - Physical Development
Did you enter puberty early or late compared to peers and do you think it had an affect on you? I would say I entered puberty at an average time, but I have always been shorter than most people. My growth spurt I believe was a little late and it wasn't that drastic of a change. -
Adolescents - Cognitive Development
Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence. For example testing in school, being called "smart" or the opposite. How did this affect you?
When I graduated eighth grade I received the "Presidential Scholar Award" which means I was the top of my class. This made me feel very good about myself and my intelligence. -
Early Adulthood - Emotional Development
Think of your closest relationship now. How would you describe that attachment style?
My best friend Larson, who lives back in my hometown Mobile, AL, and I have a very good securely attached relationship. We have been friends for 4 years now and we are very comfortable around each other and can ask or talk about anything. -
Period: to
Adulthood - Physical Development
How often do you get exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What are your feelings regarding physical activity?
In my life right now I don't get that much exercise aside from walking or biking to class. I love hiking but I can't do that everyday or even as much as I would like to. -
October 7th, 2016
I become an adult. My 18th birthday. -
Early Adulthood - Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept of Piaget.
Formal Operational: I am currently taking a Philosophy course here at UAB and taking such course requires a lot of abstract and hypothetical thinking. -
Early Adulthood - Emotional Development
What classification of Sternberg's relationship theory is most appropriate now?
I would say the same as my adolescents. Strictly intimacy and liking. Just a close friendship with no passion or romantic commitment.