Aristotle was the student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great. He was best known for his writings in many areas including physics, poetry, biology, zoology, government, and politics. He wrote the book "De Anima" about his thoughts on psychology. His ideas included that the psyche was something that could recieve knowledge and that the mind is just a body function like everything else. -
He developed the theory of knowledge, theory of conduct, a theory of state, and also the theory of the universe. He studied people using the principles of life -
He is very well known for studying things very well. His method is called Socratic Method in which he would apply moral concepts of good and justice -
Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon focused on the inductive method of reasoning and made many contributions to the world of philosophy and literature. -
Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes is credited with the first mind/body relationship system. He also wrote the first extended essay on physiological psychology, but it wasn't published till much after his death. -
John Locke
His most famous work was "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding". This showed his scientfic and philosophical views of the mind. He believed the mind formed from human experiences. His work later helped to drive psychological movements, most notably behavorism. -
Dorthea Dix
Dorthea Dix mainly focused on helping the mentally ill make a full recovery, and that required much psychology in that field. She wanted to improve the conditions of the mental wards in order to help the patients in the most efficient and kind way possible. -
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin created more interest in the field of comparitive psychology by stating that animals and humans descended from a common ancestor. He also made contributions to the psychology of individual differences by making his theory about natural selection. -
G. Stanley Hall
G. Stanley Hall had a Ph.D in psychology and is credited with bringing together education and genetic psychology. He is best known for his theory of recapitulation. -
William James
William James studied in the field of psychology and was also trained as a physician. He was a free thinker and gave the world insight to how a baby percieves the world and also was the first to mention a "train" or "stream" of thought. -
E.D Titchner
He brought the idea of 'new psychology' to the states. This included experiments and exams to be more in-depth, but also be free from its boundaries -
Mary Whiton Calkins
Mary Whiton Calkins was a highly educated woman who pursued psychology despite the gender restrictions of her time. She studied Harvard but was denied a Ph. D because she was a woman. She went on to teach at Wellesley College and focused on her theory of self-psychology. -
Margaret Floy Washburn
Margaret is best known for her work with animal psychology. Her first article of many was "Festchrift" which featured many of her findings. -
Rosalie Rayner
She was John Watsons second wife, and is most well known for starring in her husbands book "The Excerpt". This book is about her life as she explores the science of psychology. -
Wilhelm Wundt
He opened the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879. This was the first laboratory for only the use of psychology. Its opening is thought of as the beginning of modern psychology. Because of this Wundt is often thought of as the father of psychology.