
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Wilhelm Wundt he separated psychology from philosophy and created the modern psychology. Opened the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the universuty of Leipzing in Germany in 1879.
  • Structuralism

    Wihelm Wundt and his student Edward B. Titchener founded structuralism when he founded 1879 the experimental psychology laboratory, this is the theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or stucture. It works to uncover the stuctures that underlie all the things that humans do, think, perceive, and feel.
  • Stanley Hall

    Stanley Hall
    Stanley Hall psychologyst who gave new directions to the development of psychology, 1883 he established a psychology laboratory.
  • APA

    APA was founded in July 29/ 1892 that founded the modern psychology; their first president was Stanley Hall.
  • Funtionalism

    William James stated in the 19th centaury the existance of funtionalism that is a psychologycal phylosophy that considers mental life and behaivior in terms of acrive adaptation to the person's enviorment.
  • Psychoanalysis

    Sigmund Freud it's known as the father of psychoalalysis, since 1901 until his dead in 1939 he dedicated his days to publish and study psychoalaysis.
  • IQ test

    IQ test
    Alfred Binet developed the first IQ test in 1905. To help identify kids that need specialized asisistance. In France.
  • Behavioral Manifesto

    Behavioral Manifesto
    John B. Watson develops the behavioral manifesto in 1913. It is a purely objecrive experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behaivior. The behavior of man, with alll of its refinement and complexity, forms only a part of the behaviorist's total scheme of investagation.
  • Army Intelligence Test

    Army Intelligence Test
    Intelligenze and aptitude test are adminester to soldiers during WWI. Then it is used in otrer systems
  • Rorscharch

    The Rorschach Inkblot Test is a projective psychologycal test created in 1921 with the publication of Phychodiagnistick by Hermann Rorschach. interpretation of inkblotes.
  • Hans Berger

    Hans Berger
    Hans Berger invents the electrocephalogram that graphs the electrical activity of the brain.
  • Getsalt Psycology

    Getsalt Psycology
    Founded in The Berlin School of psycology by Kurt Kofka, Max Wetheirmer and Wolfgang Kohler. Getsalt is a german word for whole and essence. It states that attributes of a whole of anything arent deducible from analysis of it´s parts in isolation.
  • The Behavior of Organisms

    The Behavior of Organisms
    B.F. Skinner published the Behaviour of Organisms in which he sets parameters for EAB, Experimental Analysis of Behaviour which produces data that can then be studied in depth with rats and their responses.
  • Sigmund Freud death

    Sigmund Freud death
    The end of Sigmund Freud working in psychoalanysis.
  • Ethical Standards of Psychologists

    Ethical Standards of Psychologists
    The American Psychological Assosiation published the Ethical Standards of Psychologists which was full of ethical dilemas so it had continuos reviews. Nowadays it is calles APA´s Ethical Principles of Physchologists and Code of Conduct.
  • The Magical Number Seven Plus or Minus Two

    The Magical Number Seven Plus or Minus Two
    The Magical Number Seven Plus or minus Two published by george Armitrage Miller talks about short term memory and memory span. It refers to the longest list of items that a person can repeat back immidiatly which varies between 5 to 9 according to age. it states that if items are grouped in chunks this capacity can increase. After this, cognitive limitation and memory span are taken into account and cognitive psycology is created.
  • Lithium Carbonate Therapy

    Lithium Carbonate Therapy
    FDA approves litium carbonate therapy for people with vipolar disorders.
  • PET Scan

    PET Scan
    The PET scan was tested by tracing chemical markers by nuclear magnetic resonance. PET stands for Position Emission Tomography.
  • Selfish Gene

    Selfish Gene
    The Selfish Gene, published by Richard Dawkins, caused a revolution in biology by shifting attention to individual genes as the unit of evolution which extends the explanation of evolution by Charles Darwin. This prnciples are applied in research on human brain structure in evolutionary psycology.
  • IQ test are dicriminatory

    IQ test are dicriminatory
    The U.S. District Court finds out that African American students were denied to take IQ tests in some schools in California.
  • FDA approves depression medications

    FDA approves depression medications
    The FDA approves fluoxetine (Prozac) and other similar medication like Paxil and Zoloft. Fluoxetine acts on neurotransmitters, mainly on serotonin. By regulating the amount of serotonin brain cells transmit mesages transmit messages to eachother resulting in a better and more stable mood.
  • Four Lectures on Mind and Culture

    Four Lectures on Mind and Culture
    Jerome Bruner published In Acts of Meaning , Four Lectures on Mind and Culture which helped formulate cultural psycology. This branch of psycology focuses on the influences and relationships of mind, cultural community and behaviour.