Sir Francis Galton
He studied eminent families; he said that greatness runs in families. He believed that "good marriages would brought good childresns". -
Wilhelm Wundt
He was a structuralist. He wanted to study the mind in separate parts. -
William James
He is called the father of psychology in the USA. He speculated that thinking, feeling, learning, and remembering -all activities of the mind- serve one major function: to help us to survive as a specie. -
Period: to
Designates three things.
A method of mind Investigation, and specially of the unconcious ming; A new stand alone discipline who is based on the knowledge acquired from applying the investigation method and clinical experiences.
This idea was started by Sigmund Freud, who formulated his own theory of psychoanalysis in Vienna in the 1890s. -
Sensations come together with perception and thinking; analysis, sight and everything make us understand our enviroment and give us experience. -
He came up with a term (classical conditioning) wich is a learning process that occurs through associations between and enviromental stimulus and a naturally ocurring stimilus, -
This viewpoint emphasizes the impact of biology on our behavior. Psychologist studies how physical and chemical changes in our body influences our behavior. Study how the brain, the nervous system and hormones and genetics influences our behavior. -
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitivists focus on how we process, store, and use the information and how it influences our thinking, language, problem solving and creativity. -
Humanistic Psychology
Develops as a reaction to behaviorism and psychoanalysis.
Humans are not controlled by events in the wnviroment or by unconcious forces. Both serve as a background to our internal growth.
Described human nature as a evolving and self-directed. -
Sociocultural Psychology
The newest approach to psychology involves studying the influence of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences on behavior and social functioning.