
  • 6500 BCE


    Procedure where a patient suffering from psychological problems has a hole drilled into their skull. This was said to release the "demons" possessing this person.
  • Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments

    Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments
    Experiments forced on the Jews, colored, homosexuals, and more throughout Nazi Germany during World War II. These experiments included starvation, sleep deprivation, unnecessary surgeries without anesthesia, and all out torture used for research purposes. One of the most gruesome cases in psychology history.
  • Palace of Justice

    Palace of Justice
    A tribunal formed after World War II created the Nuremburg Code which set ethical principles to guide future research on human participants. This led to the Nuremburg trials which sought out justice for those tormented by Nazi scientists. First and most important code states that voluntary consent is essential.
  • Protection of Human Subjects

    Protection of Human Subjects
    Department of Health and Human Services Part 46; Protects human participants in research sessions

    Establishes the conditions under which protected health information may be used or disclosed by covered entities for research purposes. Another key component in keeping health records confidential.